2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

They weren’t given the data to analyze because most of the states refused to cooperate.

Don’t get me wrong. If there were bad things about this election I would want it fixed.
I have followed the court cases. And I have followed the claims made. And I have listened to the explanations of the election officials.
And I keep coming back to the question of why folks think that there was bad stuff going on?
Because Trump says so? Because the CEC says so? Because there are folks that claim they saw it?
Because there are videos with fancy arrows and subtitles?
Or is it simply because these folks really believe that there was no way Trump could lose?

And I haven’t heard yet what is being proposed for this added scrutiny? What is the plan?
And again, is this a federal investigation? Is it even legal for the federal government to be involved in what a state does with their election laws?
I believe that this election was done well. I believe the experts that reviewed each states security plans and gave them a green light.
And like I said. Who will be satisfied by another scrutiny?


What data? Are not all election results public information?

Seriously? The Fed’s have been involving themselves in state elections since reconstruction.

The biggest cases of the civil rights era involved the conduct of elections and a dozen states ended up under Federal Court Decrees that went on for decades.

Perhaps reading up on the Voting Rights Acts and enforcement would be helpful sometime.

These “serious questions” aren’t based in reality.

I’m not really going to spend my time educating you on the Voter Fraud Commission.

Give your own google skills a spin.

That’s not close to being true.

There are approximately 328 million people in America.

74,223,744 people voted for Donald Trump.

Generously assuming that 75% of Trump voters legitimately have serious questions as to the legitimacy of the election, that’s just under 17% of Americans.

There are people who believe the earth is flat and Big foot exists…

Just because 30% of people believe doesn’t mean their claims need an investigation.

Doesn’t really matter, the mindless panic over covid isn’t based in reality either.

When a significant portion of The Country no longer believes our elections are honest really bad things are likely to happen.

In 2016 that percentage was as high as 44%, it’s grown since.

Revolutions are born out of populations losing faith in their country’s ability to conduct open, free, and fair elections.

Yikes. Where to even begin with this … nah.


Rofl @ significant portion. As it stands there’s already over half the country that doesn’t vote. They didn’t vote in the previous election or the one before that or the one before that either.

331 million people in the US. Biden wins close to 80 million and Trump wins even less. Never mind that the Republicans were trying their best to keep people from being able to vote while Democrats were trying to make it so more people could vote.

I’m not aware of a single historical “revolution” that was in any significant way born out of populations losing faith in elections.

Try VZ for starters, then move on to Iran.

I agree with you on this one. Apparently there are a bunch of people who believe that a POTUS forecasting twice that if he doesn’t win the whole system is rigged is just suppose to be normal.
And they can’t see that all this talk about election fraud is just one little man being a sore loser and has a bunch of our nations leaders who are so scared of him that they will go along with the narrative.
This whole thing has so many apples and oranges comparisons that Trump supporters just don’t seem to get.

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Claims and allegations of fraud. Refuted over and over and over again.

They weren’t born of unfair elections. That’s a rewrite of complex history of Iran

Triggered by isn’t same as born out of

People aren’t losing faith in elections due to fraud. People are losing faith in elections due to the choices they’re being asked to vote between. Most people have the good sense to not pick the lesser of two evils. Evil is still evil.

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Trump worshiping republican math.

Significant way - i would say Maidan was a good example though other factors abound. BeloRussia may be heading that way

I don’t know what “VZ” means, and neither does Google.

As for Iran, election fraud was in no way the womb of revolution.