2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

What irregularities were there in 2020 that were fundamentally different from the irregularities that occurred in 2016?

Or 2012?

Or 2008?

Or 2004?

Or 2000?

Take your time…we’ll wait.

No it takes more than two.

And you can’t have decentralized cells to pull off an “election theft”.

Not possible.

Nope. You are completely full of bull poop.

I never said the only way to run the election is for Trump to win. I argued against banana republic style election cheating and have from the beginning.

I ll thank you not to come after my integrity like that.

I cited multiple example of reports of questionable activity in earlier posts…

As long as elections are fair…with living eligible voters casting one ballot each I ll happily accept the results. I stated earlier we all know that on January 20 Biden will be sworn in.

Your attempt at cute and clever was a complete fail…

None of what you pointed out here will ever be recognized or accepted as truth by the left…even though you are 100% correct.


Sorry. You are mistaken on the definition of conspiracy.


An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal.

You guys really don’t get how unpopular Trump is. And you guys are also being to be really surprised at how history will treat him.

Judges being given a choice between their own families being hassled by the Antifa and MS13 arms of the Democrat party, and all American families being brought under Communist China style authoritarian control, and the judges choose to bow to Antifa/MS 13. Traitors all.

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Citation needed.

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Wow - Such hostility targeting someone who doesn’t see life the way you do. I wasn’t sure if I would be in town on November 3 so I actually went to my local election office to request an absentee ballot, was told I’m not old enough, needed to be 65 and I’m not there yet. But yes I was asked to justify my absentee request and explain the reason’s I needed an absentee ballot. If that’s not a big deal to you then that’s your call, but elections have to have standards. On this forum and it’s predecessor for way more than a decade folks on the left have been arguing to weaken those standards…obviously public policy makers got that done this year using the virus as an excuse.

Voter fraud is easier with mail in voting. Here’s some documentation…

From the New York Post. Headline - Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots “A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.” Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots (nypost.com)

From the Federalist. Headline - Democrats Know Mail-In Voting Means Mass Fraud, And Pushed It Anyway "After this Nov. 3, one thing is poignantly clear: mail-in voting is a proven disaster. As we’ve seen, it’s grossly susceptible to fraud…Many Republicans, including President Trump, have been warning about this for months. Democrats and the mainstream media also know it’s incredibly risky. But they’ve been obfuscating or flat-out lying to us about it for months…How do we know? They once warned about mail-in voting themselves. Consider this New York Times article from 2010, which noted, “votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth, statistics show.” Democrats Know Mail-In Voting Means Mass Fraud, And Pushed It Anyway (thefederalist.com)

From PJMedia. Progressives are all about tearing down institutions in the United States, and introducing the potential for fraud in presidential elections is the cornerstone of their plan to render asunder the fabric of the Republic. When every election can be called into question and thrown to the courts, a power-hungry party doesn’t have to develop a sound strategy or run a viable candidate to win.

There was a time when an attempt was made to count all of the votes right away. The mail-in scam gives officials an excuse to punt that responsibility. So Election Day becomes election week and probably election month." RIP America—The 2020 Mail-In Voter Fraud Fix Is In (pjmedia.com)

Now - I know what you are going to say … Those are all part of the CEC and blah blah blah blah…There are other links I could have posted but it’s a pretty day and I have a life so three is enough.

Here’s testimony from a man who was at the polls in Wisconsin. His name is Ken Draggota. He describes himself as a common man involved in the manufacturing industry, he’s from Wisconsin. He’s been an election observer in Milwaukee for the last two decades. Wisconsin: Ken Dragotta Testimony on common man sat to observe poll | voter irregularities - Bing video

Here’s some of his commentary…starting at about 1:40 (there’s nothing offensive in his comments but standard warnings and all that). “My take away from the early days is this, even when the races where contentious, the polling places were not. Election officials were accurate and complete with their work. Today this definitely is not the case. Today in Wisconsin some of the election process is being conducted by lawless groups of individuals and officials who have gone from exploiting our elections laws to openly disregarding them…to Local and County Election commissions to directors and clerks we have people who openly usurp and ignore state statutes.”

“Does this behavior have an undo influence on our elections? I say the answer is yes. Does this behavior unfairly delute the value of each legitimate vote cast by every citizen of Wisconsin? Again I will say yes it does.”

He goes on to explain his thoughts…Wisconsin obviously was critical in this election. It’s one of the states many of us thought Trump would win when we went to bed early in the morning November 4 only to wake up later to find it had flipped.

There’s too much being alleged not just by Rudy Giuliani but by people like Mr. Draggotta.

I’m one of millions who believe there was some funny stuff going on in this election. It’s been described, presented on video, and testified to under penalty of perjury. Here’s a story about those Dominion Voting Machines, Headline AUDIT FINDS MICHIGAN COUNTY 'S DOMINION VOTING WAS RIGGED TO CREATE FRAUD. “A forensic audit of the presidential vote tally by Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County, Michigan, showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine can have them “adjudicated” – allowing individuals to change the result. The error rate is astounding considering the Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent for computerized voting systems.” Audit Finds Mich. County’s Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud | Newsmax.com

Neither Mr. Biden nor any liberal will ever accept what I’m about to say, but if Biden wants to actually be the president for everyone, even the people who didn’t vote for him, he might want to make sure this election wasn’t the big lie alot of us think it to be. I doubt that he cares, power is pretty important to the people around Mr. Biden.

Not really. I think we all know how much leftists hated Donald Trump. He committed the unthinkable sin of beating Hillary Clinton. He also had a very good presidency. Historic Mideast Peace agreements over the last few months, historic employment #'s, his response to the pandemic resulted in a vaccine in record time…He did not commit American troops to a single new war, in fact he avoided conflicts when four years ago many were saying they were a certainty.

Now neither of us knows how history will judged him. IF the historians choose to accept the lies of the liberal left for the last four years then he probably won’t be treated kindly. IF they choose to look realistically at the positive policy results of his presidency then his record bears some positive response.

75 million people voted for Donald Trump last month. That’s not an insignificant #. If you believe the election was honest the only person in history to get more votes was Biden, which strikes me as an unfathomable result. The guy lived in his basement and got the most votes in history? Really???

Biden will be sworn in on January 20. We’ll see what happens after that. Personally I’m less than optimistic.

Anyway I’ve wasted too much time here today…ya’ll have a nice day and if we don’t speak again until next year have a Safe New Year’s Eve.

That was before the dems figured out how to cheat with it.

I suspect if only real votes were counted trump would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral vote.

75 million voted for Trump. Biden is lucky if he recieved 70 million real votes.

Listen to the man himself on election.

Why do you jump from your post on Biden, which is directly what I responded to and then insert Trump?

Why any redactions??? What are they hiding???

What a bunch of crap. Trump has raised over $250 million to find all this supposed massive voter fraud. Guess what? They haven’t found a thing that stands up in court. Trump lost…that is all there is to it.

They want to get at least 500$ million in donation. Spend 10$ million “investigate” fraud. Keep the rest for golfing, pay off debt, travel. Win win for all sides. :laughing:

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Oh my. Looks like dear leader is…well, you said it, not me.

EDIT: Looks like Trump was encouraging his own base to be…well, you said it.

There’s a difference between requesting a ballot and the entire process put in place to insure it’s valid from blanket mail out ballots? I have no problem with that but sending out ballots without a request and not putting the necessary processes in place to insure that the vote is not fraudulent…I do have a problem with. Do you understand the difference between the two scenarios…even though the media is attempting to label them the same?