2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

Really. This isn’t 'Nam - there are rules.

Dude! The press is doing exactly what it has been doing for decades. Telling us the unofficial results of the election. Nobody is saying the press determines the winner, all they are doing is reporting data from the states.

Nobody complained before. Well, they did when the networks made projections based on polling and released those projections before polls even closed. They don’t do that anymore, thankfully.

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More importantly, 1876 was 144 years ago, and the laws we now have governing electors and what happens in Congress are a result of that election…they’re specifically designed to prevent rival sets of electors being sent.


The thing you have to realize about Steven Miller is he’s a brain-dead, soulless idiot who will be unemployed in 32 days.

Do you think Media calling elections and the term president elect were invented in this election? It has been happening since I started voting in late 90s. Networks have data analyst who review election results and call states based on data. That is not new. They are sometimes wrong. You are correct that what networks say have no standing when it comes to result. They are simply analyzing data and giving their results so viewers know what is going on.

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I don’t know. I love the press having NO STANDING!!! in one post to the PRESS secretary appeal to authority in the next. Screams consistency.

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We’ll see how it plays out soon enough…

Well - Me and others have been 100% right so far about how everything has played out and you have been 100% wrong…

but sure -Maybe THIS time we will be wrong (Spoiler alert -We are not).


Just because someone’s been hoodwinked sixty three times doesn’t mean they’ll be hoodwinked sixty four times. Or something.

In Michigan, on December 14th, the good governor there had state troopers staked out at the ready forbidding the entrance into the Capitol building. If there is ZERO difference as you assert, seems like her bogus premise of covid-19 concerns was not the real concern but rather trying to throw a monkey wrench into this exact alternate vote effort.

Who said the pen is more powerful than the sword?

Is it appropriate that the most powerful weapon is used to influence the election?

Ah I see you’re Playing On Everyone again as you know the troopers were sent To the State Capitol Due to threats of violence and not to prevent any type of “alternate voting” from taking place…and not out of concerns for COVID either.

I bet she wouldn’t have allowed WCD’s teenagers and dog in, either. Make-believe “electors” are make-believe.

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Every Presidential election has isolated instances of voter fraud and irregularities. Detroit, MI had more irregularities during the 2016 election than during this recent election. Link
Trump won Michigan in 2016 by a much smaller margin than what Biden won Michigan during this recent election. During this recent election, three Michigan Counties (including Kent County) flipped from red to blue. Kent County, MI was a big reason why Biden won that state by 2.78%.
Pennsylvania during this recent election had two counties that flipped from blue to red.

Check out this NY Post, clearly a smoke screen, not enough of a threat to still allow only one set of electoral voters into the building that very day.

You’re overthinking this. How many bogus voters were there? Is that too much to ask?

How many bogus votes were there? Apparently they know but are not saying.

And who has that info?

Look it up. If it interests you. Personally I don’t care who. I just want to know how much voter fraud there was. Just as you do. Speaking of, check out this creepy story.

Dominion Voting Systems has ‘lawyered up’ and refuse to meet with Pennsylvania lawmakers – Law Officer

Every Presidential election has isolated cases of voter fraud. There were a few bogus votes casts during the 2012 and 2016 Presidential elections. Do you also question that Obama won legitimately in 2012 and that Trump won legitimately in 2016??