2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)



Loser Trump is such a baby.

 I registered as a Democrat a few years ago so I might have some immunity. But there are some telltale signs that I still voted for Trump. So
 probably the IRS although Harris’s ATF might play a role. Sending the intelligence troops in to hack into the forums and identify members could catch me up too because according to prog standards, I’m a bad hombre deserving punishment for disputing your© narrative.

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Normally I’d assume this was sarcasm, but in this case, not so much.

I can see it.

Trump signs are staying up and people are less hesitant to show public support.

Trump will be legend. A positive message of freedom and justice.

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Did this have a point? Seriously
A flawed opinion of others opinions. Have a nice day!

Smart adversaries always try to avoid making a martyr of one of their enemies. Smart adversaries
 not the progs.


Is he? Might want to look at the bigger picture after Georgia.

Even smarter people know what a martyr actually is. :wink:

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Go, “build back better”, and peace be with you.

Did what have a point? That you guys choose to be the arbiters of what it means to be American?

It’s true.

As to telling me to have a nice day, i am not sure what about my post that made you choose to be rude. You could have just been polite and said bless your heart
 ya know


Why? I like it here where i can be told what i supposedly believ, what my positions are and most importantly how subjective reality is

It was an admonishment to be active in the Harris/Biden administration
 not to leave the forum. You know I like you, Ruski.

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a year from now when all of trumps dirty secrets have been unveiled you wont be able to find anyone who admits voting for him

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Give it six months or so once Biden has been President for awhile and people are getting vaccinated.

Immaterial to the precedent. Here it is again

Of the four previous times a Supreme Court seat has become vacant within four months of a presidential election, a nominee has never been confirmed before the election.

McConnell broke that precedent.

There are more “secrets

A year from now you won’t find a Biden voter. Hunter and Xi and the gang can’t hide in the shadows now.

They truly believe it.

It’s why Trump could tell a group of four Congresswomen
three of whom were born here
to go back to the countries they originally came from, and Trump supporters cheered him when he said it.

You’re not just political opponents
you don’t belong here
you’re not Americans.

Just one step away from not even being human


Can’t believe Russia would do the Don like this.