2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

Just ends up on the docket because AG filed it?

It is because it’s an original jurisdiction case. State v. State.

Since the case is not reaching the court via certiorari - it is originating in the Supreme Court - it is docketed as it’s filed. But the Court hasn’t ruled on whether to actually hear it.


The Harris County drive thru voting did go to court and was deemed legal.

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The propagandists are relying on the confusion. Lots of claims of scotus will hear the TX cas suddenly going around.


Updated. Trumpsuits have now lost 49 out of 50, including today’s Alito/Supreme Court ruling.

It doesn’t matter, it’s Trump < America for his supporters.Nothing else matters.

Trump has to be going crazy hearing that his three SC Justices did not pull it home for him.

I dont know, Im asking…Could Alito’s case have been dismissed because they will encompass/include it in this case?


ABC#DEF#G- D major

Sorry, but no.

No because Texas is alleging something different.

And they rejected it because there was a lack of a federal issue.

Just the reason I said it would be rejected.

The fact that they want to throw out the votes of 4 states is some really dark ■■■■■

The fact that so many supposedly “defenders of liberty” are perfectly fine with this is more worrisome than any politician making a power play.

It’s not the way outside the norm power play that’s bothersome…it’s that a large portion of the American people is making it possible to happen.

Libs made 'em do it because gay witch muslim abortion agenda.

Have you covered personality disorders…NPD to be specific?

Can you think of a case study example offhand?


Even FoxNews is admitting it.

Not doing anything is in effect doing something.

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More Trump election fraud.

It is in their interest to say that they were did not tell them to go home to go home, The people hearing it know what they said. And as documented in that article, the fact that they were told to go home.

Later in the night, Regina Waller, the Fulton County public affairs manager for elections, told ABC News that the election department sent the State Farm Arena absentee ballot counters home at 10:30 p.m. despite earlier intentions to complete processing Tuesday night. Some additional numbers could still come out Tuesday night, but as of now the staff will be back at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.

abc news documenys that they were told that.

The Republican poll watchers’ story matches this election night reporting perfectly. And it wasn’t just ABC that reported counting was being delayed. Many media outlets reported on counting delays. See, for example, “Fulton County stopped counting absentee ballots for the night.”

Local NBC journalists on site that night independently confirmed “they were told counting was done for the night” and given no indication it would continue before the next morning. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution even reported of a “plan” to stop scanning ballots at the same time the poll watchers said things were shut down:

So it is a lie not from Republican poll watchers…

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Seriously quoting Neil Cavuto?

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