2019 Deficit Officially Passes $1TRILLION

SS and Medicare increased $500bil in 3 years? :rofl:

Hereā€™s the rest of your snip hahaha

While mandatory spending such as Social Security and Medicare drive the deficit, it has shot up under President Trumpā€™s watch following the GOP tax cut bill and a series of bipartisan agreements to raise spending on both defense and domestic priorities.

The swamp has known deficits will take off now for decadesā€¦ They did nothingā€¦ Just like they knew collusion was falseā€¦

What solutions do dems offer?

Clinton left with a surplus and Obams presided over one of the largest deficit reductions in history after inheriting a $1.3trillion deficit

CUE: tHeY hAD GoP ConGrESs

So did Trump

They didnā€™t cut payroll taxesā€¦ Thatā€™s what pays for SS and medicare right?..

Predicted for decadesā€¦ Another swamp failure along with 9/11, housing crash, Rise of china, massive homelessnessā€¦ all trends before Trump.

Believing otherwise is just like believing in Russian collusionā€¦ Media trainingā€¦

What do your candidates offer as a solution?

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What did Obama leave?

Wow did he forget to include that little nugget? Shocked i tell you SHOCKED!

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Yesā€¦ but not enough of congress and many reps hated Trump like McCain!

What solutions do your candidates offer?

The same policies that dont run $1trillion deficits at full employment :rofl:

I didnā€™t forget. I remember it perfectly. One of the problems was many on the right believed russian collusion and that Trump would be goneā€¦Or at least they hoped soā€¦

Someone call a doctor


Translates toā€¦ They have none!.LMAO!..

Remember they endorsed Roy Moore, a known child groper.


This is what you have to do when you have no factsā€¦

A very fair point. There is no bottom apparently.

No. It translates to rolling back the tax cuts. You knowā€¦actually paying for things.

Wow, this forum has really hit rock bottom on who is willing to defend Trump, not even interesting trolls left.


In a March 31, 2016, interview with the Washington Post, Donald Trump promised to eliminate the United Statesā€™ $19 trillion in debt in eight years.
Trump later softened his promise by pledging to reduce a chunk, rather than the totality of debt, in an April 2016 interview with Fortune. Asked by how much, Trump failed to provide a figure.



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Republicans canā€™t counter this specious argument in the court of public opinion, so they want to negotiate behind closed doors? No thanks.

The Dems have many solutions, not that I necessarily agree with them. Republicans have just one: reduce benefits.

Obama ran up deficits to destroy the country, Trump does it because he loves us.