2019 Deficit Officially Passes $1TRILLION

Yep, it’s going to be terrible for people who are unprepared. Roaring 20’s. :wink:

So troll answer.

If you want it to be, I won’t stop you. :man_shrugging:

You sound worried about a recession, like it’s going to hurt you. That sucks, but not for me. This period of peace and plenty is what sustains me for harder times. I gained weight on the last one, I’m just as responsibly prepared for the next one.

But hey, it’s all Trump’s fault. You have someone to blame when your life choices aren’t making gains for you. :+1: :wink:

I was a Tea Partier in 2010.

I’m still a Tea Partier in 2019.

Now I’m just wondering where all the other Tea Partiers went…


Could have predicted that.

It’s a debt based managed economy. What’s the problem?

I bet you used to care about the deficit.


A gambler, eh? Bad choice. :wink:

It won’t hurt me. I’m positioned to basically be recession proof. However, I actually have empathy for those who will inevitably have a hard time. There have been policies put in place in the last few years that have severely hurt our ability to stem of the effects come the next time.


Surely this will stop Donald Trump!

We are all aware that a recession and $1trillion+ deficits wont prevent the 5th Avenue crowd from voting for Trump

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That’s your choice to insert your feelings into other people’s hardships. Empathy is fine and all, but irrelevant when it has nothing to do with how I’m affecting someone. My pity is useless, so I won’t waste it on other people.

I am happy to know you’ll be trying to watch your weight along with me over the next 10 years. Fiscal responsibility, folks. If you don’t do it, it’s your fault for being at everyone else’s mercy.

Especially the federal government…

Lets just pray it gets to 2 trillion by next November! Keep those search engines handy!

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This is all you guys have left. How sad.

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You’re supporting the admin that is putting in policies that will exacerbate the problem and cause more harm to people. You are affecting them.


Excellent point

Right? I remember when libs used to be interesting. This really is all we have left. lol

I love you

What a pink load of emotional crap. lol