2016 Trump campaign outreach to black voters: Deter Them From Voting

No, you really can’t. If your personalized social media stream is not the target, you won’t see it. You literally can’t see it.

Social media/ads. The whole thing now is to target and change behavior, and make money doing just that.

“The Social Dilemma”

It is designed to make the black American not want to go to the polls and cast a vote for Hillary. They won’t go and vote for Donald, but it’s one less vote for Hillary.

Only seen by Black people…and you know this how? If only Black people can see em. Is it in some special ink/code?

So we should assume when they call Trump a racist or white supremacist they’re deterring Black people from voting. :wink:


Yes, social media knows who you are. You and I see different things on our social media, because they know both of us. They can target ads to black people, suburban housewives, gun owners, Trump fans, Catholics, whatever. And targeted ads only show in each individual’s streams.

Social media knows you better than you know you. :wink:


The Social Dilemma wasn’t necessarily an eye opener because it’s something that has been going on for more than a decade, almost 20 years. It’s naïve and foolish for anyone on ANY social media outlet including this one to believe they’re exempt from targeting to think a certain type of way. That’s why I laugh when certain posters like using the term sheople when describing others that don’t think like them. To a certain degree, we’re all sheep. It boils down to critical thinking, discernment along with a level of discipline and self control. There are a lot of people with the false belief that they are independent thinkers who are currently being led around to think certain ways based on their clicks and biases.

This is true, especially the last part.

Yes, I can. I control what I click on. It’s simple.

How does a “Social media/ads” repeating Clinton’s own words deter me from voting?

“Designed”? She said it.

Are Lincoln Project ads racial?

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For Trump.

Only one of the candidates said “If you can’t decide between me and Trump, you ain’t black.”

So if I make an ad showing him actually saying it, I’m deterring black people from voting.

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Oh bull ■■■■■ It’s based on input, not magic. Change the input, change the ads.

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With that I agree. It’s not who you like to think it is.

Tell me what I clicked on that made me say Obama was a good President with two exceptions and if he could run now I’d vote for him.

What did I click on that makes me say “blue privilege”?

Twitter is creating a nation of mindless morons. It is the ultimate confirmation bias tool.

“See! See! Some idiot nobody ever heard of said! Fact! Factual!”

■■■■ doesn’t begin to pass the common sense test.

“Critical thinking” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Critical theory thinking more like it.

They were not aimed at you.

So…Biden hasn’t put out any policy positions? …besides don’t vote for trump?

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Ok, them. How?

Did she say it, yes or no?

If it doesn’t show up in your personalized social media feed, you can’t click on it.

Yeah, he has. Build back better. 1 million jobs in Michigan for electric cars and raise taxes.

Everything else is him parrotting Trump.

Good Lord. How do you think the “social media feed” gets “personalized” in the first place?

Did Clinton call them super predators, yes or no?