200,000 jobs added, wages jump by 2.9 percent in August

It’s pretty clear by reading your last 20 posts you dont have anything to actually say

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It would be easier to go through my analysis again here. I’m calling it a night, but will re-engage you in the morning.

That’s because I’ve done nothing but respond to ridicule.

Think about what you are saying. Why do you think that is?

I’m confused as to why you believe that by simply reposting the LIB sanctioned chart I will suddenly change my mind??? :confused:

I just posted 4-5 charts. Another poster asked for you to provide a link to your previous claims you keep referring to. Another posted said he works with VPs via data analysis. You’ve dodged all of it. All you post are whine fests about libs. It’s obvious what you are doing here. Please dont stop!

What exactly about that chart is incorrect? You seem very afraid to discuss it. Please. Dont stop! How about the other charts?


Is this chart easier on your feelings?

all of the classic hits in one post

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I see you’re bringing out all of the liberal frothing charts for your anti-trump jihad.

I guess I should have shown the real unemployment. Could be as high as 15% hell I’ve heard it could be as high as 45%!

45% is the froth number. We’re gaining a lot of steam. Really tremendous. The economy has never done this well. Unemployment is actually negative because some people have 2 jobs. Can you believe it? Negative unemployment. They said it couldn’t be done.

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1000s of people have been calling and telling me amazing job. Believe me. No one has ever seen an economy like this.

4 bucks a week.

an extra gallon of gas.


The rich are doing well, the middle class treading water, and the poor are getting poorer.

How is a trump county doing? Clay County,Kentucky.

wonder if America has been made great again there.


Its not true in your opinion.

But the facts speak volumes the other way.


Can you expound why you think this particular observation is noteworthy?

Decided to keep this brief. The key here is that I zoomed in to the last 16 months of Obama’s term (only 12 months shown in the chart). Why? This represents the transition between his administration and Trump’s administration.

The chart clearly shows that the unemployment rate stabilized in the mid 4% range for the last 16 months of his term. The LIB sanctioned chart, while factual, is misleading as presented. Forum members use the chart to demonstrate a seamless reduction continuing into Trump’s administration. Zooming in to the transition period, clearly shows that isn’t the case.

Something happened in early 2017, right on through the present day. That something is a dramatic repeal of many of the burdensome regulations Obama imposed. That something is significant corporate tax relief, allowing repatriation of offshore capital. That something is “drill baby drill”.

When one looks at the chart, one has to ask themselves, why the unemployment rate would suddenly plunge after remaining stable for 16 months. It was certainly nothing Obama did, since he was no longer in office. On the flip side Trump has done a number of things.

I’m not asking you do agree or disagree with my conclusions, but I’m hoping that your background will allow you to see that my analysis is sound. I do this kind of stuff for a living, and I’m highly compensated for my efforts. Those that continue to ridicule my analysis are only showing that they have no knowledge or understanding in this area.

Notice it was flat from 2015 through the end of Obama’s term.

Meaningless chart. The population is growing.