184 days (6 months) until January 20, 2021, who are you voting for President?

Repeating it won’t make it true. Trump has zero constitutional authority to dictate the covid response by states.

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More empty headed nonsense because you have zero facts to support your rantings.

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Zero federal contact tracing and testing. Zero federal acquisition of materials and equipment for testing, processing tests, PPE. Zero logistical support on a federal level for distribution. Zero support for maintaining adherence to CDC guidelines for phased reopening. Zero leading by example with mask usage and social distancing. Zero adherence to the pandemic playbook that was left to him by the prior administration for this very exact scenario we are now facing. Do you need more examples?


Complete and total BS.

But I know, you Trust in Trump®

Says the guy claiming Trump holds little responsibility for how polarizing and divisive he is viewed in this nation. Yeah, it’s my head that’s empty.


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Well…I guess I am. Thanks! I appreciate the compliment. obama


Then once again by all means detail it out. Just once actually support your claims with verifiable facts, it would be refreshing as hell.

Short of declaring martial law he cannot do it period and if he did, the dem’s would riot in the streets demanding his immediate removal from office.

There you go.

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Complete Bull ■■■■■

There is no mechanism for federal contact tracing at the state level. All they can do is provide them help and support.

The fed’s bought up every piece of PPE they could lay their hands on to agument the existing stockplies and have distributed them to the states as needed.

The Fed’s exceeded their test processing and production in Feb and as soon as they could then partnered with the private labs to produce and process them.

The fed’s cannot force states to adhere to CDC guidelines, there is no legal mechanism for it at all. Those guidelines do not carry any weight or force of law and there is no enforcement mechanism by statute.

The “pandemic playbook” was followed by HHS and all of the relevant agencies starting with the one thing he did have the power to do which was the travel bans and quarantines.

You just continue making things up with a complete disconnect from reality.

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You are well aware that this panic speech pattern will grow as we get closer to election, and will explode if Biden wins in Nov.

What is exploding is this country right now and it’s going to get worse going into November.

Welp, what has led to this explosion?
Maybe the cure is to get someone else in the WH.
Or we can re-elect the same person and keep the explosions coming.


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I know which option I’m choosing. I could use a nap for a few years.

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Democrats standing down and allowing it is the cause. Remove them from office and enforce the law.

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Ditto. Trump will get my vote.

Just Democrats were standing down?

How would have Republicans handled it? Shot the looters?
Shot the protesters? Arrest all the protesters? All for exercising their 1st amendment right? Sounds like a military state.

Wait, Trump tear-gassed peaceful protesters just so he could stand in front of a church and hold up a bible. Is this what Republicans envision? Squashing opposition.

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For the first time in my life, I am going to vote for a Democrat for President. Go Joe!


We’re going to have a civil war because why now?

Because the American people will have told Dear Leader - “You’re FIRED!”.

The same way it was done for decades. The first person to toss a rock, bottle, brick, or attack a cop is arrested with overwhelming force and drug to and thrown into a paddy wagon. Rinse and repeat.

They you prosecute every one of them to the fullest extent of the law.

What you don’t do is stand down and let them do whatever the hell they want, that simply empowers them and spreads the unrest and violence like a virus.