160,000 Left Behind in Afghanistan?

From what I heard the military was told by Xiden to immediately reduce troops on the ground to a number which made it impossible to protect both Baghram and the embassy. So they had to abandon Baghram.

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So you have proof that it was Biden who ordered the reduction of troops that caused us to leave Baghram? Please do share that link. Thanks.

Remarks by President Biden on the Drawdown of US Forces in Afghanistan


Unreliable source though.

I read the same thing, the French and UK had boots on the ground going door to door scrambling to get there people and Afghan allies out. Biden did squat for Americans and our Afghan allies.

The UK parliament voted to hold Biden in contempt for not returning the PM’s phone calls for over 36 hours and have advised NATO countries not to partner with the U.S. while Biden is in office.


This person should not give a speech on 9/11.

This is a serious and the most deranged debacle by a United States President in my lifetime. It’s a global humanitarian disaster.


Yeah, and they also held their PM in contempt. No politics at play here.

Okay, here is my take. Biden has said that the buck stops with him. So yeah, it happened on his watch.
But no one can say that he was calling the shots on when, where and how many troops were moved or removed. He set a date certain and I believe that it started a military plan to leave. I believe that every POTUS relays heavily on the Generals in charge to make the details. And Biden already said that his Generals told him that keeping Baghram had no value added. And I do believe that our withdrawal plans were based on the Afghan military and government still being in place. I think that when their military and government folded our military could not pivot fast enough. It’s just the nature of the beast.

So I guess Bush getting us into Iraq and Afghanistan were both a-okay?

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Yeah, he should be doing a PPV boxing match instead.

Actually, I could just watch that. I imagine it would be hilarious.

There you have it.

Look what happened in Italy when Germany started talking austerity. Once. Just once.

I understand, thanks for the update.

It didn’t just “Happen on his watch”. It wasn’t random. Biden MADE it happen. Good greif…


You can’t be serious, oh damn you are. :roll_eyes:

Steven Miller is no longer a POTUS advisor and Trump’s withdrawal plan was initiated 18 months ago and of course proper vetting and paperwork was part of the plan which had conditions but no exact withdrawal date.

Biden dumped all the careful planning of the previous Administration and just evacuated the majority of the Military, leaving our weapons and equipment and left in the dead of night leaving 100’s of thousand Americans & other nations with stranded and desperate not only civilians but other NATO nations Military troops. Biden did not communicate or coordinate with other nations that were are allies in Afghanistan, what don’t you get about that?

It’s the most diabolical humanitarian crisis ever caused by an American President in the name of the United States. Our NATO allies know it even if you don’t.

Edited to add: Our NATO allies may not be allies for long because the UK has advised NATO members not to respond to the U.S.'s aid while Biden in President!!

China and Russia! Biden just handed them our warfare technology they can reverse engineer and make themselves. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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That beast is called Biden!!

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The UK has done no such thing.

There is plenty of criticism of the withdrawal but directed towards Biden and Trump.

“Lord George Robertson, who was Nato secretary-general on the day of the 9/11 attack in New York, and who triggered Article 5 a few hours later, suggested the disunity was damaging. “It weakens Nato because the principle of ‘in together, out together’ seems to have been abandoned both by Donald Trump and by Joe Biden,” he told the Financial Times.”


And Britain would honour article 5 if it was evoked, as we did the last time.


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