12 year old boy gives a lesson in gun safety

I guess if I was a lib I would see the need to turn everyone into a victim as well.

As for the kid shooting the criminal, he did what he had to do to save his and his families life. He deserves a lot of praise.

Your mistake is making it an either/or question.

I’m glad you Agee. The mental health industry is supposed to treat people with mental problems, not recruit them to drum up business.

The feminization of the American male.



There was a brief discussion about the placebo effect in another thread. That applies here as well. If a shrink is brought in to talk to you, there must be something wrong in your head, right?

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Probably red flag him for life.

Talking with a trained professional after a traumatic event is seen as “feminine”. What a narrow and backwards way at looking at the world.

He’s not broken. Why is it a “traumatic event”?

You don’t get to red flag him.


Why is defending ones life considered traumatic?

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Are all males required to become beta males in the lib utopia?

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The act of killing another person is considered traumatic, not the act of defending oneself.

Yes. Biden signed an executive order.

Yes. The patriarchy.

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By whom and why?

Who says?

To anyone that isn’t intent on looking at people via (usually misapplied) labels.

There might be a few combat veterans that would disagree with your assertion.

No they aren’t.

Apparently, the boy now has to have an issue?

He saved his grandmother and rid the earth of a thug. Perhaps all he needs to know is not only did he save his grandmother but maybe someone else’s mom or sister in the future.

Not everyone has to have issues they want to talk about.

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And if they have been trained to kill, I might then agree with their assertion. In the case of a 12 year old boy, I would consider the act traumatic.