12 Republicans voted against honoring the Capitol Police and others that defended the Capitol during the riot

why does it seem there’s always something you “heard” and it never seems to actually be true?

Yeah, I heard it from the interview videos. You don’t think that it wasn’t true?

That is quite simply not at all true. Contemporaneously.

3 or 400 other people were at the capitol building and weren’t shot, so that can’t be it.

No. She entered through the window on her own free will.

Didn’t the cops let them in?

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It was investigated and deemed an appropriate use of force.

There was absolutely no reason for that unarmed, female veteran to be shot. She was NOT a threat and what took place is a total disgrace to this country. All that did was increase my despisement of our federal government politicians on both sides of the aisle.

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There were Congresspersons only feet away on the other side of the door being protected

The investigation conducted by law enforcement says otherwise

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…and? What was this female veteran going to do…ask for an autograph? Was there anything in her history besides the 14 year sacrifice she made for her country that would make you think otherwise?:

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Are they special people? Or do cops get to shoot any unarmed person going forward if they are trying to enter any occupied building, like say a police station, federal building or state building? And if so, how many people are going to die in Portland next month?


That’s not how protecting audible assets during an insurrection works.

:rofl: Of course it was.

I still truly find it amazing just how small some people can think…even as adults. Then again, when I look around me and see all of the chaos, screwups, mismanagement and illicitness…it isn’t amazing.

The desperate attempt at going personal is pathetic

You…and only you…are responsible for YOUR posts…and yes…often…they are pathetic.

I’ve got to run now. No…not to stimulate the American economy but to spread good cheer throughout the land. Have a super, duper, Trump double scooper day to everyone here in Hannity Land. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Last I heard, dimocrats and their corrupt media allies were blaming the Capitol police for helping the rioters and letting them through the doors.

Now the dimocrats are handing them medals??

Can you imagine a cop shooting some black woman who broke a window while in an official riot?
“She would not have been shot and killed if she had not been breaking a window during a riot”.

After burning a couple of cities, the trial date for murder would be set.

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As has been said, all about making this “officially” an insurrection instead of a trespass.