12 Republicans voted against honoring the Capitol Police and others that defended the Capitol during the riot

Was she being shoved through a window against her will?

So you have evidence that the officer who shot her had a night stick?

He could have used anything to knock her on the noggin as she was attempting to crawl there the door window.

Yeah, he had bookoo time between the time that the window was knocked out to when she started climbing through to search around and find something to hit her with. Yes, the timing is unfortunate because moments after she was shot the Tactical Officers arrived.
But there was a crowd who were breaking down barriers and attacking police. And I believe the officers that I have heard who said that they really did believe that they were going to die.

A swat team was entering the hall as she was shot dead.

From the available videos there is no indication that the policeman gave any warning or made any attempt to arrest her. The gunman appears to be hiding in a doorway before the shooting so it is likely that Ashli did not even realize he was there.

Ashli had the wrong skin color, the wrong gender, and the wrong political affiliation to get any kind of justice. If she had been a BLM protestor congress much of the city would be smoldering ruins and congress would be demanding murder charges be brought against the lieutenant. That is what happened in May:


Are you defending her actions?

She appears to have been trespassing. I say appears, because there are videos that show Capitol Police allowing protestors to enter the building, which implies permission. My understanding is that trespassing requires knowingly entering without permission.

Trespassers can face arrest if they refuse to leave. On the other hand, executing someone without warning for trespassing at a place of business is normally called murder.

Realize that many in the US protested when a Russian punk band of unarmed women were arrested, convicted, and sentenced for two years in prison on charges related to trespassing during a unauthorized performance at a Russian cathedral. Based on the Capitol Police policy, it appears that the Russian police could have shot them dead without any complaint from the US.

The shooting of Ashli appears to be in direct violation of a 1985 supreme court ruling:

The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, non-dangerous suspect by shooting him dead.

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Damn, that is one dumb post. I thought you said you were super smart?

Video shown those tactical officers moved through the crowd unmolested.

No…I believe the capital cop needed an excuse.

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Maybe you should look in the dictionary before calling people dumb.

from Insurrection Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster



in·​sur·​rec·​tion | \ ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən \

Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

You know cops are civil authority right?

Another stupid post. which I saw coming.

Me telling a cop to screw off, as he tries to arrest, me and I revolt against his authority, is not close to what happen on the 6th.

But, you do your semantic bull feces, to try to feel smart.
Do not forget to be smug about it either.

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The building was closed to the public because of Covid-19. And as I mentioned any federal building is closed to the public when there is a government official that has 24/7 Secret Service protection present in the building, in this case it was the VP. So if any Capital Police let people in they were in violation and should be subject to the proper disciplinary action. But I don’t think that their actions would change the fact that those people were not suppose to be there at all.

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And what specific policy is that?

The policy appears to be shooting an unarmed woman protestor without even giving her time to say “hands up don’t shoot”.

The officer has not been identified, very few details have been release, and there is no indication that the officer will face any penalty as are a result of the shooting. Maybe Democrats will give him a medal and a cash reward.

What is next? An affirmative action program to execute five unarmed white women for every unarmed Black man who dies as a result of interacting with police? Based on Democrat logic, racial and gender “equity” demands equal outcomes, and white women are currently grossly under-represented in police killings.

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Whether the person was armed or unarmed is a completely moot point.

She would not have been shot if she had not been at the Capitol building.

Here is video of a store in Minneapolis getting ransacked:

Could a police officer start shooting them without warning because they were all trespassing and many were looting?

Some many have had weapons as well. The riots had killed several people so they might be dangerous.

They would not get shot if they were not in the store.

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Take it up with the dictionary.

the only thing funny is you