$12 billion in welfare for farmers on the way

This isn’t even a loan, as Obama did with GM and Chrysler during the global financial crisis. Flat out bailout.

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“Trade wars are good, and easy to win”. Well, except for those who have lost their jobs, factories that may have to close, and those we are having to bail out.

Other than that, they are great everyone!

I will not stop calling posters out on their hypocrisy. Still trying to get a Trump supporter to admit in another thread that no remains of US soldiers have been returned by NK

Oh, go on…

Which thread? I need to see this.

Don’t worry, you can just pass a tax cut and that will pay for the bail-out of all of these casualties of the completely unnecessary trade war.

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The American people have already bailed out Smyrna’s industry. He sells cars.


I saw a farmer and he had an xbox in his house. Even a TV. They’re doing fine. Just mooching off government cheese.


All these Trump Republicans are just a bunch of hypocrites.

SOCIALISM! So Socialism is a good thing now?!?!?!?

Isn’t it about time @conan stopped by to remind you and me that if it was up to us Hillary would be appointing the SC judges, and that we are always “siding with the libs”? :joy::joy::joy:


could have told you this about 15 years ago.

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This is ■■■■■■■■■ I, as a taxpayer, am on the hook for a portion of this $12 billion welfare spending that is being justified by Trump getting his panties in a wad and starting a trade war? Hell no - we don’t need to be spending that money. I’d say a lot of these farmers voted for Trump. They need to feel the pain of the consequences of their vote.

I’m calling my congresscriters over this today. This is complete ■■■■■■■■■


There is a difference between bailing people out of the consequences of their own actions and bailing them out for consequences of government actions.

Another reason why I am glad that I am no longer registered as Republican.

They were never fiscal conservatives. They’ve always been social conservatives.

May as well just formalise this whole thing and put all the red states on universal income and have the blue states pay for it.

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Keep me out of your fantasies Joanne.

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Flint Michigan should have clean drinking water then… without question. That would only cost $400 million.

Its pretty much what’s happening anyway.