$12 billion in welfare for farmers on the way

So much for the free markets… What’s $12 billion?

Trade war bailout: Trump administration plans to offer $12 billion in emergency aid for farmers hurt by tariffs

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What can you say, we have a strong lobby in the agriculture sector.

I have been part of it most of my career. :smile:

I knew that was coming and am surprised you didn’t expect it. Our farmers are too important to all of us for them to go under as a casualty of these tariffs. This will “buy time” for China to suffer from the almost $400 billion dollar shortfall they’ll have to endure.

I was just reading about this.

A completely avoidable expense… but Trumpsters will twist themselves in knots explaining away spending even more deficit money on a situation that was created out of whole cloth by the President.

And this is to avoid losing votes.


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Buying votes with socialism is the conservative way…


So the conservative line that their are other countries lining up to buy the products china wasnt was a lie?

Why not just let them sell their products instead of handing them taxpayer welfare?


You know how the “Socialists” get derided for supporting free tuition for college?

$12 Billion could pay for around 250,000 to go to college.

But can’t have that.


Exactly. The tariffs are a temporary bargaining chip to pressure China into finally conceding to fair trade.

No reason for farmers to suffer in the short term. It does do away with a dem campaign point which I am quite sure they will be angry about.

Another bailout?

I hope “conservatives” are just as pissed about this bailout as they were when Obama used them.
Who am I kidding? Excuses will pile on.

So… buying votes with welfare is now firmly in the GOP camp.

Good to know.


Why do you assume I didn’t expect it? What about the national defense and steel? Are they up next?

Is the money we will giving the farmers a temporary loan or will our children be paying for this bargaining chip?

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Boy, we really are putting the screws to them…they are buying products from other countries while we tax payers bail out the red states…

Sweet deal.

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And what happens when China doesn’t budge?

Is Trump gonna keep providing farmers with more bailout money?

Why is it that Americans are being hurt by these tariffs? I thought this was “America First”?

Republicans constituents love gubmint cheese when it’s for them.



You are a great conservative…using tax payer money to prop up people from your own stupid policies.

Either way it is money much better spent than some of the places libs want money spent. :grinning::+1:

Farmers are hard working people rather than lazy lay abouts which is where many leftists want money steered to.

Maybe with all of the new coal jobs and influx of cash, some of that money can help the farmers…oh wait. That ain’t happening.

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Please, tell us more about these “lazy lay abouts.”