100 people shot in Chicago over the 4th of July holiday!

I suppose that one can argue that this is indeed a fitting place for Dems convention coming up. This is like 3rd world country ■■■■■ And if the Dems had their way we would continually see millions and millions of people from 3rd world countries flood into the US every year.

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Lib Utopia!!!


What’s crazy is how so many libs were so excited when Bradon Johnson was elected!

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this is obviously the fault of Republicans

What this town needs is more Democrats in charge

PS I reduced the size of that image by half you’re welcome


but seriously, Democrats have such a good history of having their convention here, especially since there is absolutely no contention in this year’s convention either


Can we still call it Chirac?

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Maybe we will get another 1968!! Soldiers, police, and rubber bullet kisses galore!

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lol. HHH!

or was that McGovern?

< runs to history book >

I think it was Humphreys, who got unceremoniously chosen to be the sacrificial lamb against Nixon when Johnson threw everything into a loop by not running again as an incumbent.

The 68 ■■■■ show at the Convention was kind of a prediction of how things would go in the election that year. He couldn’t unify the party, and the young college Maoists were out in force demanding that the Convention listen to them (channeling the old insurrectionary commune stuff that tore the French Republic apart back in the early 1790s) and the mayor of Chirac, a no nonsense old mob guy, deployed the police and local national guard units on top of them.


that sounds right!

Thank you, my political history knowledge from experience begins when Biden was drummed out of the race in the late 80s for being a great big fraud and liar

I’m a bit of a nerd so I find it all fascinating.

That’s why I’ve been obsessed with the current French elections going on. It’s genuinely entertaining.

The Republicans, for all their faults, have never had a convention completely breakdown into a ■■■■ show like the Democrats did in 1968. Most unruly their conventions ever got was in 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt decided to challenge incumbent Taft. That plan failed so he started his own party, the Bull Mooses, in the aftermath. And then they both got destroyed by Woodrow Wilson.

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I think the memory of 1968 is why the Democrats are so terrified of getting rid of Biden. It could spiral into some nonsense really fast if Biden’s donators don’t play ball with the decision.

That’s the same old ■■■■■■■■ they always say!


NOTHING is EVER the fault of lib politicians and their policies! Just ask any forum lib.


The first rule of politics. Never ever take blame for bad things.

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Chicago mayor is blaming this on… Richard Nixon - I’m not kidding. Yet another example of why progressives are unfit to govern, and why there’s no hope for major cities.



Oh my god he really did. That’s embarrassing.


I thought “this HAS to be a meme.” Nope.


There’s no hope in sight for those Chicago neighborhoods.


They clearly have plenty to spare. :rofl:
