100 people shot in Chicago over the 4th of July holiday!

you cant blame him. there are enough idiots to believe anything.


Didn’t Nixon die when I was like 5 years old in 1994 or something?

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Listening to the FBI and the media, it must be all of those white supremacists…“the worst domestic terrorist threat” because this literally is the worst but it’s all good cuz “we” all know BLM has got this under control. Obviously by their actions and direct involvement, black lives matter to them.

Let’s go Brandon!!

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They have a history of riots during the 68 convention, don’t they?

Party time for dems.

And a good time had by all of them.

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I wonder how many businesses will burn during the mostly peaceful pro Hamas- anti Jew protests this time?

BLM only matters if there’s money to be had.

The people in these kinds of neighborhoods need to start taking matters into their own hands. The code of silence only perpetuates more crime.

And if folks don’t care enough to do it, then I have no sympathy for the situation they are enabling.

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And votes. Hopefully some day the majority of black Americans wake up to the fact that lib politicians do not give a ■■■■ about them or their families.


And republicans do?

Name one policy change that would decrease the number of murders in Chicago.

The day Trump is sworn in one of his EOs will be to rescind federal monies to cities and states that tout the moniker “sanctuary”.
Useless turds like Johnson of ■■■■ cago will wet themselves, cry racism and blame more dead former Presidents. The opportunity to watch it all unfold will be epic.

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All of us… ■■■■ politicians…all of us Americans care about the well being of each other and speaking personally…my ACTIONS every day…PROVE THAT.

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This lazy BLM Inc scapegoating has got to stop. BLM Inc was never designed to address the Chicago gang problem. BLM is irrelevant.

Just like the pro life movement hasn’t done anything about the gang violence in Chicago. They weren’t design to address it.

I don’t know that there is a holistic solution to solve the problem

Oh really… this I would expect to see your first post on the subject to have some form of empathy for the innocent victims of the violence in Chicago. I would also expect some solutions to be offered to fix the issue.

Let’s see what your first caring post was on the subject

Oh… a lazy deflection to BLM, FBI and the Media. Not a single word about your fellow Americans being victims of such violence.

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Democrats: you should invest in our ruined society or you are bad people!

NASCAR had no problem.



Sorry. Nope. Isn’t going to stop.

Yes, there is a holistic solution to solve the problem. What do you think that may be?

While you are not addressing me, I can’t help but comment that I don’t have empathy for the victims anymore. This is a problem that is cultural and a large part of the solution has to be solved from within.

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Don’t let me stop you (c) from using irrelevant and lazy scapegoating. I wonder when the pro life movement will start doing something about gun violence in Chicago.

What is the holistic solution?

Could you made a more stupid comparison? I don’t think so. BLM is about the black communities, last I checked most of those shootings are the in those communities. Pro life isnt about improving black communities. You are part of the problem for those communities, you won’t hold those responsible even when you have a huge organization that claims it.

Black Lives Matter is working inside and outside of the system to heal the past, reimagine the present, and invest in the future of Black lives through policy change, investment in our communities, and a commitment to arts and culture.