10 year old raped, but at least no freedoms were lost

You have evidence to the contrary?

I’m with you that rape is rape, and child rape is child rape – regardless of the perpetrator.

I think the statement about “worse” is in regard to the preventability of this particular incident with proper immigration procedures.

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Yes. We all do.

You’re just desperately trying to not see it.

You think she went to Indiana just to cause controversy?

Wait a minute…of course you do.

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Who knows, maybe they had extended family there to stay with? :woman_shrugging:

Where is it?

It’s obvious to everyone here. Everyone.

She didn’t choose where to go, at least I hope not, she’s ten.

I vote take the SOB out and publicly hang him.

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What should we do with James Bopp, who wants to go after the doctor and publicly said he thinks the 10 year old should have carried to term because then “like a lot of women, she might have learned that was the better decision”?

Oh wait…we don’t have to think about that…let’s rage about the illegal dude…

Umm, you think his opinion is worse than raping a nine year old? And what do you mean what should we do with him? Last I checked he has a right to his opinion.

It is absolutely as horrific because these “opinions” are driving laws.

But damn how easily you are deflected by trigger words.

You guys perpetuate this lie to the point it immobilizes you’re brains.

Ok, so put you on record as speech being worse then raping nine year olds I guess. What should the penalty be?

It’s not a lie.

The exceptions to the law are so narrowly tailored they put doubt into doctors’ minds.

These doctors are risking felony charges if they misinterpret the law…that makes them overly cautious.

You guys never ever take into account the EFFECTS laws have…you see in writing it says “health of the woman is an exception” and automatically assume that is crystal clear when it is NOT.

I am on record as saying speech has driven laws that put ten year olds at risk because the laws are being written by ideologues who don’t take the grayness of life into account.

But of course keep it simple in your black and white Unreality Bubble.

You said his speech was worse then raping nine year olds, surely that has to rate some sort of punishment or were you just being goofy?

Now you know why I don’t like or trust laws…and unintended consequences that comes from em.

exactly. if i did my job and could be questioned in court and if i lost id be a felon.

i would say love to help but you are on your own.


I see…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Good thing he only raped her then huh? Cause if he’d have shot her to death instead, you’d be blaming the gun and trying to seize all guns from everyone and throw all gun owners in jail!

Oh, wait a minute.