10 year old raped, but at least no freedoms were lost

If you haven’t read it yet, that Texas lawsuit is even ■■■■■■■■ than it sounds.

I am we

And we are all together

Googoo Goojoob?


You have a case?

You don’t know what’s true either.

[quote=“WuWei, post:305, topic:242512, full:true”]

Birds aren’t real.


I understand.


If I had to spin out the state of play some ten years hence, I’d wager life-of-mother exceptions will be allowed by this court, but rape and incest will not. After all, there are firehouses, right?

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“Full deflectors, Captain!”

Yeah, but it’s about half gone.:smile:

No, seriously: tip your waitress.

And this :point_down:

is nonsense. The topic doesn’t lend itself to you telling us to “sit this one out”, you can’t denigrate our lack of service, “bonkers”, is entirely inappropriate, and it didn’t happen in Texas (so you can’t tell us to butt out), so you retreat to this faux Socratism¹.

Which is weird. You’d think a self styled intellectual would welcome discourse instead of trying to shut it down.

¹or feigned ignorance.

The letter, sent Wednesday to the Texas Medical Board, cited several examples in which medical care was delayed.

In one case, a central Texas hospital reportedly told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy until it ruptured, the letter said. An ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg attached outside of the uterus, is not viable.

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I mean- can you prove they are?

Can you prove anything is?

Do you really believe some hospital refused treating an ectopic pregnancy? If by chance did happen and I give it less then 1%, the Doctors should lose their medical license and hospital sued. Sounds to me libs making stuff up but they forgot about it should at least plausible.

Waiting for it to rupture is barbaric, no way around it.

Mother says all good.


Then you’ve got the abortion doctor calling the perpetrator a teen.

And that DA…

Did anybody get anything right in this case?

Oh and, great narrative.

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Very true, but do you really believed it happened?

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The association did not name the hospitals but said it’s received complaints that hospitals, administrators and their attorneys may be prohibiting doctors from providing medically appropriate care in some situations

Hope that helps.

That would be the civilized thing to do.