Young People Triggered By Periods

Mom says, Honey, I want to explain about periods.

Daughter: I know mom!

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Full stop instead of period in the thread title would have prevented that misunderstanding.

I’ll stop using periods… … …

A lot of assumptions in such a short paragraph.

and use ellipses instead?

All Punctuation Matters.


Black punctuation matters most BPM!


I’m using the dark theme, so GPM for me. lol

I can see where it could be interpreted as direct and cold if used too often, but NOT using punctuation makes it sound like you are ranting or hyperactive, and it’s difficult to read. Tone is difficult to discern over the Internet, hence the introduction of emojis.

I think these people are being too sensitive, regardless. And this is coming from someone who is hypersensitive. I hate liberals my age; they are so hypersensitive yet hypercritical.

What about semicolons?

Semicolons are my favorite punctuation mark; but, only because I can trail off onto a related subject within the same sentence.


Periods are the uterus’ revenge for not having a baby. That is one of only two things I agree with feminists on. It’s like someone got murdered in there, there is so much blood.


No assumptions, just opinions.