You go girl, Texas mom

If the reason for the gun is with in 40 yards, I’m a shotgun man myself.

Good for her! :grin::+1:

Probably a .22.

If it was a .22, I would have thought that bullet would have ricocheted around inside his skull for a while and killed him. That doesn’t appear to be the case either.

.22’s don’t always penetrate the skull I’ve been told. Apparently it didn’t in this case either.

My granddad told a funny story one time of a person shooting someone between the eyes one time and the bullet penetrated the skin but not the skull and wound up under the skin on top of his head.

Made the guy so mad he beat the tar out of the guy who fired the shot.

There are .22 long rifle, short rifle and bb caps. I’d guess she wasn’t using a long rifle.

Maybe so. I would prefer a higher caliber myself.

Double or triple shoot?

You’re close. Short, long, long rifle and rat shot.