Yes, we will survive Trump

I ask why wouldn’t we survive trump? If America can not survive record highs in the economy and record lows in the unemployment then her destiny is doomed.
What we can’t survive is shutting groups down because we don’t like what they have to say.

70 straight months of job growth, yup we barely survived!

what exactly is it that we will “survive?”

Yes, America’s ability to self correct is to be trusted. Although I calmly suffer from TDS, I believe even he is a correction of many of contemporary liberalism’s excesses. And I’m a liberal! I guess it’s all a series of pendulum swings, isn’t it?

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“self correct” from what?

This criminal enterprise that is now in the White House

everyone talks about these “dark days” and “will we make it” etc

but no one ever describes what exactly they are talking about

except extreme butthurtism from hillary losing so embarrassingly bad

ok… what is “criminal?”

thats serious. i hope thats not true

Playing stupid isn’t cute anymore…

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Self correct from any and all that don’t serve our country’s better good. e.g. , going way back, slavery, suffrage, foreign adventurism, too much taxation, too little taxation, powerless workers, overly powerful workers, no environmental protections, oppressive environmental protections, etc. I am speaking holistically.

Trump has surrounded himself with criminals… he himself will he found to be a criminal…

Not to mention his tweets… ugh

hit me with answers and proof

it’s like we have to make the same/similar mistakes every once in a while to keep us on the right path.

so nothing actually criminal then

except… tweets?

“going back to slavery”

is this the best this lefty infested forum offers now?

Indeed. I think we have to look at a country as diverse as ours,with two major political parties who have, allegedly, different platforms in a bit of a philosophical way. We swing left, we swing right, we swing center. But generally always swing forward.

i we can survive a ton of people fighting to continue human trafficking we can survive just about anything.

Trying to offer an overview answer to your question.

this is not a prescription for “survival” but a statement on partisan bickery