Yes. Insuring only legal votes are counted is a federal question

How do you rationalize railing against those Washington Elitists when you want only the “elite” to have the right to vote?

So now that you have the facts, no further comment?

Before you found it funny, and suggested fear of what might be seen. How do you find it now?

What are you looking for?

How about you just post what you think I should be saying since you think I am required to post more about this and then you can be satisfied.

I addressed one comment. I am not require to please you by providing you something else if I choose not to.

Also the use of the word funny is my post was in the context of strange, peculiar not funny ha, ha.

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If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon the federal government for its subsistence, we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Socialist Fifth Column revolutionary democrat leaders’ long term strategy


The unavoidable truth is, our socialist revolutionaries, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, have a plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt. The problem is, it will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

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Elite?? Well-read people are elite? Wanting additional criteria other than age is asking for only the elite to have the right to vote?

Well, what criteria were you thinking of imposing?

I don’t want low-information voters on either side.

How do you define “low information voters”?

I suspect that you and I would define it differently.

For gosh sakes don’t hold your breath, or if you do at least call an ambulence.

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I don’t know, maybe a written exam every ten years that weeds out those who only get their political info via TV or social media. There are millions of voters on both sides that are pathetically misinformed.

It doesn’t matter. I’m just lamenting.

That would leave newspapers, magazines and actually being everywhere as things take place?
Two wouldn’t be much better and the third is impossible.

He denigrated the people who set fire to or looted their cities and the politicians who enabled them or stood by and did nothing.

I think you and I would disagree quite strongly about what qualifies as “misinformation”.

Maybe. I just think it goes beyond headlines, tweets, soundbites and slogans.

I guess I just think that’s not really a thing people base their vote on, but who knows, some people base it on who they would like to have a beer with. People are stupid by and large.

Hey! The free cheese faction is very well informed! Do they not continue to select public servants who promise to keep the free cheese wagon coming their way?


They are not “progressive” or “democrat” leaders. They are radical socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.

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Trump is the biggest loser.

Accept it now or later.

Who “they”?

Please link to the PA State Supreme court that Poll Watching laws in PA are invalid.

Thank you.

The people outside were taking photos and videos of the count, which is against the rules and could lead to violations of voter privacy. They were asked to stop and refused, so the windows were covered.

I know.

But for those sheeple that accept whatever Trump says they have to regurgibleet something.

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