Yes, Bernie Sanders! There is income inequality. So, freaken what?

Got the ocean front house last time right? :sunglasses:

Where are you meeting all these liberals who hate America? I know plenty who are highly critical of America, but none of them hate America.

Liberals aren’t socialists. Socialists are leftists, not liberals. Liberals support capitalism.

Do you know that for a fact, or just assume or believe it because the right-wing media told you so?

Where? Do you evidence of some mass movement of teachers teaching this?

Why do you think that would be caused by K-12 public education? There’s plenty of sources online and at the library someone can use to learn about and become supporters socialism and other ideologies. There’s a whole movement called breadtube on YouTube.

You honestly don’t think these young socialists aren’t familiar with these criticisms of socialism and have responses?

If that happened America would become more social democratic. Capitalism in the US isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.


But old man deserves it thou.

You sure don’t sound like that’s the only thing you think that matters. You expressed a great indignation over my statements as if they were blasphemy.

Come against?

What does what I said have to do with what Peter said?

Since you’re clearly confused about what I was saying there, that was an historical comment that after every every economic collapse the generation that comes out of it is invariably a lot more interested in “socialism”/progressive politics.

It’s not an endorsement or an attack, just a boring re itsrikn of history. Apparently it’s some kind of “gotcha” which I guess if you didn’t know what I was talking then maybe. Still a stretch.

You should be able to figure it out if you are who you say you are. :wink:

Who do I say I am?

That’s true. :wink:

Actually none of this matters. I’m simply here to share my thoughts and to interact with others. I honestly don’t give two hoots what you or anyone else believes. :wink:

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yada; yada; yada

That’s what they all say. Tough love.

blah; blah; blah

I never said all liberals are socialists, but isn’t this thread about Bernie? Does anyone seriously believe he isn’t a socialist. Some Democrats support capitalism. They are conservative in that regard.

I don’t get my marching orders from anyone. I’ve been around the block more than a few times and am able to form my own opinions. No one tells me how to think.

Ignore my true advice at your own peril.

Education has been taken over by LIBs.

If they were exploring this failed system on-line they would quickly understand that they are barking up the wrong tree. That really isn’t what we are seeing. Most who say they embrace socialism can’t even articulate the differences between socialism and capitalism. That would seem to indicate that they are being indoctrinated.

From what I’ve seen they really don’t have a clue.

Seriously? :roll_eyes:

Where do you get this stuff??

And pray tell what advice are you referring to? :confused:

So that’s what I thought… baseless broad brushing.

Bernie Sanders is a self avowed Democratic Socialist who’s platform is largely Social Democrat. He’s not campaigning on replacing capitalism with socialism, so basically you can support him without being a socialist.

You should try venturing off the block every once in a while, you might learn more about the left and not have to depend on conspiracy theories to form your opinions.

Yes it is. Admit your mistake and move on!


Our country is infected with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party’s socialist/communist leadership, to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.


Income inequality had absolutely nothing to do with The Great Depression.

It was mostly the rich who caused the great depression by over inflating the stock markets.

Income inequality had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The rich “hoarding” money has no effect on the rest, we don’t have a fixed number of dollars and never have.