Yeah trump is gonna flip Minnesota. LoL

Are you under the impression from that map that more people voted for Trump than Clinton in Minnesota?

The map shows that more acres voted for Trump than for Clinton.

I’ll use 2/5 then. I kid I’ll stop.

We need to go back to what the Founding Fathers intended and only allow land owners to participate in elections. The Founding Fathers knew that owning land showed that you were a serious person, while people who rent still have some growing up to do. Frankly, I would take it further and allocate more votes for the more land you own. Owning a dinky 1000sq ft. apartment in New York City is not the same as owning an acre in Texas, and it shouldn’t be treated the same way, in my opinion.


Tyranny of the majority?

Tyranny of the majority

The tyranny of the majority is a weakness alleged to be inherent to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own interests at the expense of those in the minority. This results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot, argued John Stuart Mill in his 1859 book On Liberty.

from wiki…


The way a question is phrased can make a large impression on how it is received.

I am under the impression that the secrecy of the impeachment process will more than nullify the obvious smear tactic that it is.

I am under the impression that MN can indeed vote for president Trump…After all they did vote in Jesse "The Bod"y Ventura as Governor…Admittedly before it was brutally obvious that he was completely nuts.


You responded to Camp responding to me

THAT was obvious when the D field of Presidential hopefuls was solidified with Biden Warran Sanders at the top.

Not much effort at all.

Sell green alternative energy to the US and extract good old fossil fuels from the Ukraine through Hunter Biden’s masterful guidance.


Talking about population density is not smearing. If one republican lived on the moon then the moon would be ■■■■■■■ red. Trump didn’t win MN in 2016 and he won’t win it next year.

He barely won in 2016, and he’s far less popular now than he was then. Ya’ll need to chill.

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Only fake news can keep Minnesota blue!

At the moment more Americans favor the impeachment inquiry than don’t favor it.

Those who disfavor it overwhelmingly are those who are likely going to vote for President Trump already.

So unless popular opinion turns against the impeachment inquiry, the inquiry existing will not turn a solidly blue state red.

We will see what impact it has in the swing states.

We need to go back to what the Founding Fathers intended and only allow male land owners to participate in elections.

Edited for historical accuracy…


Minnesota hasn’t gone to the Republican since 1976. Not even Reagan won Minnesota. If Trump wins Minnesota in 2020, I’ll eat my keyboard.

The flaw in your assertion is that Trump is less popular now.

Polls won’t show it when the Trump supporters take off their indifferent masks and vote.

Please continue to force through a secret impeachment with no evidence and less appeal.


He’s less popular in Minnesota, which is the subject of the thread.

“Since his inauguration, polling now shows that Trump’s standing in Minnesota has plunged by 18 percent.”

How ashamed must one be that they are not willing to articulate their support of that person?

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No, it does not.

Trees, cows, blades of grass…do not vote.

At least in my reality/dimension.

I’m basing mine on math. What are you basing yours on? What you overheard at Dollar General?

The impeachment is about clear-as-day, in your face, out loud corruption. It’s our duty to investigate it as a country.


Ya missed one.

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All the more reason for him to spend 3/4 of his time on the campaign trail in Duluth and to increase his allocation of campaigns dollars to Minnesota to 80% of his total budget… :rofl: