WSJ: U.S. confident it can prosecute Julian Assange

Do tell, how do you know who is a ShareBlue member?


How does one become a “member” of ShareBlue?

You guys just cant get by without a boogeyman, can you?

Notice the latest news.

everyone of them is a thread title.


Are you talking about the comments section?

Oh you know the site well?

I’m not sure what you mean.

It’s a political discussion forum, the latest news is always going to become the subjects of threads.

No, never heard of it before today. It looks like any other online “news” source.

Fight fight fight.

We’re going to resist everything about Donald Trump

We’re going resist his authoritarianism while imposing ours. :rofl:

Chelsea Manning is a US citizen. Why can’t people get this little fact?

What’s Shareblue?

Are you suggesting it was okay for Obama to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning? And should Assange get a worse sentence for being the messenger?

We can play the question game all day long but my opinion is that what is good for one is good for the other involving the same crime. And if it’s okay for Chelsea to be free to actually run for political office, then it should be okay for Assange and that means he shouldn’t serve more then 7 years jail time.

I’ve been trying to figure that out myself.

Apparently it’s a David Brock-owned “news” website. An answer to Breitbart.

Well, if nothing else I learned something today.

Today’s Saul Alinsky, if I’m reading the forum right.

Looks like a bunch of folks took their marching orders on whatever this Shareblue thing is.

Who the ■■■■ is David Brock? lol

The Media Matters guy.

It isn’t really.

Are you familiar with Coughlin’s presentations? Or aware of the implications of the malpractice in question when the subject matter they’ve got their heads up their asses on is one that intends to bring whatever death and destruction it can?

The Constitution applies to everyone in our jurisdiction.

Why can’t libs get the fact that illegal aliens are not U.S. Citizens and yet libs fight for illegal rights so why not Assange?