WSJ: GM suddenly abandons its EV goals

I would agree. I think a hybrid would be a good transitional vehicle until the fully EVs have their infrastructure and batteries improved.

We already pay producers to produce EVS (otherwise they would not produce them.)

We already pay buyers to buy EVS (otherwise we would not buy them.)

Whatā€™s missing?
Who havenā€™t we paid yet?

Oh thatā€™s right, we havenā€™t paid EV investors to invest in clean energy.
For every $100 a person invested in clean energy at the beginning of this year you lost $36.87.
If he had simply kept his bright ideas in the idea stage he would have made $11.60.

Two people put $100 in the stock market on Jan 1.
ESG investor: ā€œIā€™ve got $63 left in my portfolio.ā€
Regular investor: ā€œThatā€™s sad. Iā€™ve got $112 in mine.ā€

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This whole EV push got me to thinking. Imagine if you had a 20 car pile up of EVs. If just one of them burst into flames, the result would be similar to the Word War Z movieā€™s airplane scene.

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The tax credits and incentives to buy an EV is a big part of why people are buying them. It makes EVs that are overpriced worth buying in some cases. The Tesla Model 3 for example. No way would I buy that car at MSRP. But 7-10k cheaper, it starts to look worth it. Not that I would buy one. If I bought an EV, it would be as a toy. If you donā€™t have a home charger, youā€™d be an idiot to buy an EV.

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