Wrongfully Arrested Nurse settles with Police for 500k

I’d also accept a pound of flesh. He can remove it from any part on his body. I’m not picky.

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Power/authority is very intoxicating.


Indeed. As is the belief in a greater good.

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The hangover sucks though. lol


Have to stop drinking first.

Why is that funny?

Stop drinking? You mean black out? :rofl:

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I do love it when the little people post like their heroes. Flattery is also intoxicating.


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Too true.

Though I don’t think the officers were working under the illusion of a greater good here. I’m going to go with your King’s Guard and the lowly serf daring to question as the most likely motivation here.


He’s laughing at me. It’s a CI vs SDS thing.

The assumption that I didn’t already know that is funny.

By the way, ■■■■ bag Payne is suing to get his power back.


Not familiar.

Students for a Democratic Society.

I can’t think of a better term. They believe they are the shepherds, the sheep dogs, and are the only ones who truly know. If it wasn’t for them, we sheep would all be lost. They are better than we are. We’re ignorant.

True defenders of 'Mocracy!

A very dangerous way to think.

Are you serious?

Yes, I am serious that “SDS” stands for Students for a Democratic Society.

What does that have to do with you?

You’ll have to ask @e7alr to explain what he means in this context, but it’s a reference to prior conversations we’ve had.