Wow Sen Schumer Shows What a Big Democrat Ass He Is By Threatening Supreme Court

…its a promise?

An ego like that doesn’t apologize. He is more likely to double down.

He may do that, and I will continue to not defend his actions.

Guess what I rarely see when the President clearly oversteps a line

You think they can feel it all slipping away?

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  1. Imagine Schumer told McConnell that if he tried to overturn the affordable care act there would be consequences.
  2. Imagine Schumer told Alito that if he didn’t rule in favor of the ACA in a specific case there would be consequences.

You and apparently many other Democrats don’t see the difference between those two situations?

We are lost.

Signaled? Perhaps. Caused? Absolutely not.

I know exactly what you see. Yet another reason for you to be disappointed with republicans. And republicans have yet another reason not to care. :grin: (We are sooooo bad!)

Just can’t control it, can you?

This isn’t even close to the threat that was common to Trump and Schumer but thanks for playing.

Nah… just crying crocodile tears.

Sure it is. A political one.

These are actually tears of laughter and joy. Make no mistake, watching Chucky melt down is quality conservative entertainment. Don’t be such a party pooper. :partying_face: :poop:

And if/when he does. The Right will say he caved. That’s the game they like to play.

What game do dems like to play? :roll_eyes:

Well in that case, enjoy your study. Will we get to see the results before the end of Trump’s second term? :us:

Has anyone said “Real classy!” yet?


Quick, arrest Kavenaugh for threatening Senators!

This fake outrage is pathetic.


Now…on a more positive note…this is some crazy stuff…correct? There are many Dems…looking around and saying to themselves…the people I’ve been debating…are now closer to my mindset…than these clowns…and are jumping ship! IMO…the House will turn this November?

Real classy Democrats!

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.

How is this not a threat, but what Schumer said is?

This is the dumbest Trumper outrage yet.