Would Trump order US Military

Buy American tanks. :wink:

Pick up your rifle and go there.

Oh wait you want Americans to do it for you.

The Germans make pretty good tanks. The British make their own tanks too.

Yep canadian have never fought in a war on behalf of America

Zero chance Rooskie tanks would roll through Europe. They would be committing suicide. I just can’t see that happening. What would be the rationale for such a stupid move???

Russia is not the threat to invade anybody that you goobers wish them to be

Why did Russia annex chrimea and invade eastern Ukraine then?

Tell that to the Canadians that fought in Afghanistan.

I don’t see the kind of aggressive action by Russia that we saw during Obama, so Putin thinks so…

We used to ask that question about Jimmy Carter…lol!

I was being sarcastic canadian fought and died with our allies without complaint

It’s kinda cute that you believe for an instant that any other country on the planet currently believes you will honor any treaty. Right now, at best, you might honor a treaty.