Would the Brittney Griner's and Megan Rapinoe's of the world support ending "women's" sports in favor of A & B Leagues?

Media nephews are talking about this lady like she doesn’t have 2 chips and a gold medal

Let’s be honest here the player Repinoe decided to interject her politics into the sport. When someone whether on the left or right does that they are pushing half of the country to the side and will get blowback.

Not enough people care about women’s soccer or the WNBA but the media plastered her pc stances in articles hence the blowback. If I was a popular Major League Baseball player and I made it an issue that women belong in the kitchen 70% of the country would be cheering each game we lost even if it was to Russia.


the only people “harping” are the ones harping against anyone who points out what happened. they got triggered. no one else

maybe if she didn’t ■■■■ on the US and demand more money than she’s worth like the narcissist she is she’d get better treatment


You go to work, get out of the car and the last song you hear on the radio…is the song you hum all day. Now let’s apply this in real life and the world is singing; say bye Felicia

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uh oh…. you-know-who chimed in

of course this will solidly her victim status.

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Will she make it this time? Nope…


Joe and Noe…they gotta go.:sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Well if you say no one else a few more times then it will have to be true

It’s not like rapinoe didn’t trigger you guys enough to sit here and blast her for her wokeness losing her the third one.

Her and her wokeness will be just fine but let’s hear some more about it’s only the libssss who got triggered :joy:.

Happy Monday everyone!

This is what not triggered looks like :joy:. No one else!

Watch aLot of women’s soccer do ya?

"Being triggered means that you experience a strong negative emotional reaction in response to a current situation that is disturbing to you in some way.

Wrong my friend. She is motivating just the opposite; a celebration. Cheers! :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Yeah like you peeps and rapinoe. Your strong emotional reaction is towards rapinoe and her actions. Hence the celebration and the teeth grinding.

I don’t agree with her either. I just don’t get giddy about a sport none of you watch.

But let’s now spend a few dozen posts on what triggers means like boycott.

The right does neither!!! :joy:

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Once again…you miss the mark. It isn’t the sport, it’s her approach to the sport and her lack of respect for her country that she is supposed to be representing.

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Right but her opinion is solely of import because she is a celebrity in a sport. But fair enough the sport itself is tangential. It’s that she is a member of team USA.

And her opinions is what triggers you guys…………… it’s the same thing.

Yeah…u rite. I’m sooooooooooooo upset. Cheers! :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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You are upset at her opinions. Your giddy that someone with her opinions which otherwise trigger you lost her game. Hence the giddiness. :upside_down_face:.

Everyone got it.

Now I understand. “Giddiness” in libspeak when referring to a conservative is “triggered”. Thank you for the libsplanation.

…got it.:sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I’m going to let you have the last word on this one my friend. Carry on…

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Celebrating a loss of someone whose opinion triggers you.

Glad you got it! :laughing: