Would the 14th Amendment grant citizenship to children born to parents who are members or sympathizers of terrorist groups?

How about this: What does the very fact we declare them illegal tell you about jurisdiction?

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Not legally they can’t.

legally if America wanted to make me wear a sign that say “Canada is stupid” I have no say in the matter.

The only people present in this country, and exempt from selective service by statute are holders of current non-immigrant visas.

Those people are still subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, but are specifically exempt by the statute.

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Yes, we can.

Sure you do, you can go back home.

If you let me, thankfully America is cool.

At which point, he would no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

See how this works?

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And you can move to Canada, such as the Vietnam draft dodgers did.

Yeah, I do. Subject to the jurisdiction thereof meant subject to the complete legal and political jurisdiction thereof. You are attempting to narrow it to only subject to our law while in our country. I am still under the jurisdiction of the US government no matter where I am on the planet. Illegal aliens are not.

Citizenship is a legal status.

What are you talking about “political jurisdiction”? What does that mean?

I am still under the jurisdiction of the US government no matter where I am on the planet.

No you are not.

If your in Canada the U.S government has no say in anything relating to you.
If the Queen of Canada want to sentence you to 30 year of hard labor in Yukon, there is nothing America can do to stop it.

Except invade.

I have no idea what “complete legal and political jurisdiction” means. It is certainly not defined by any law, and it does not have any common law meaning either.

No, that’s specifically what the term “jurisdiction” means - subject to our laws.

No, you’re not. Once you set foot outside the United States, you are no longer subject to its jurisdiction.

that didn’t work out well last time.

Not the same canada.

Look at the kid who was sentenced to 20 year of hard labor in North Korea for touching a flag.
Nothing United States could do outside of ask nicely for them to not.

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Well, the United States could politely ask the Queen of Canada to send the person in question back home.

But that’s about it.

Or invade.

The Queen of Canada is a Welsh Cogri.

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