Would it be wrong if Trump banned Alex Jones

A lot of these guys got in bed with Donald Trump. It’s honestly not that much further to get in bed with Alex Jones.

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more interesting is the people that are against the baker and for censorship.

you are stating the civil rights act only applies to government?

so all employers are allowed to discriminate?


Not technically illegal.

I encourage you to get political affiliation added to your state’s PA laws, if this is an issue you truly care about.

take astronomy


Are you trying to make a point with a case that ended in a mistrial?

The sun is the moon!

Praise the sun!

if it were not illegal there would be no trial,

and it was guilty on the count of political discrimination. did you read it?

Oh. You’re right, I missed that part.


It appears that’s the only case where political belief is a protected class in Iowa.

once upon a time abortion was illegal.

And maybe it will be made illegal again after kavenaugh is confirmed.

yes, laws and supreme court precedent change. the living constitution. Maybe there will be a federal protection of political speech outlawing discrimination one day. What would the court do then

They will probably rule on the constitutionality of those federal protections.

14th amendment says EQUAL PROTECTION which should be equal access

being ret…not around.

Should it mean equal access, or does it mean equal access?