Would Biden be the first virtual president?

Ah, like the Italian kiss off? Thanks.

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Could have been 3. The last one was a golden ticket home.

Is that when nurses would breath in his nostrils to get him going?

Well you just said the second one was his ticket home. Which is it?

3rd. My apologies.

Which one was the “titi scratch”? The second? The third? “titi scratch” was your term. It may seem like I’m trying to pester you but I’m not. It seems like you’re just doing John Kerry talking points without actually knowing any of the details. And I find it frustrating when people don’t really have knowledge of the thing they’re complaining about. Not you, but all people. And it’s not conducive to actual discussion. It’s just silly sayings that they heard.

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All of them in my professional Special Operations Medic opinion.

It was his choice. But don’t make him out to be some kind of hero.

I served with a man who asked not to be awarded a 2nd Medal of Honor because it would have forced him out of the war.

I’m also not mad at Kerry for throwing his decorations, they were his he can do what he wants with them. But I’m not going to respect him.

No you’re not mad at Kerry, you just called him a guy who touched a gun in Vietnam.

It’s accurate. I have no doubt he touched and even fired a gun in Vietnam. Probably several.

No question mark needed here. If he were competent they would let him campaign. His brain is mush. It’s a cover up. And not a very good one.

He is campaigning. And currently mopping the floor with Trump. You know you never responded to people when you asked what was the last question he answered and you were given meany examples from this week.

No. Like something is so priceless you want to give it a kiss.

I would love to see Biden perform the cognitive test that Trump demonstrates:


Biden got the nomination through a lot of backroom deals and arm twisting to purge younger and more nimble candidates to make sure that Sanders was denied the nomination. Voters will have to decide if the Biden would be much better as an elder statesman reminiscing about his long history of government service instead of having the most important and demanding job in the world.

Trump’s positions largely fit mine and he has stuck by the ones I considered important. As a person, he lacks a lot. Its his positions that I voted for, not just an anti Hillary vote. That’s all I’m saying.

It looks like we are approaching a virtual president that was speculated about back in 2020. About 5 to 6 seconds of coherent speech appears to be Biden’s limit even in carefully controlled circumstances. The only way to get an intelligible statement of two or three minutes in length is to splice a couple of dozen short clips together.


Would an AI-generated Biden be an improvement?

Will the first indication of a virtual president be a noticeable reduction the number of annoying cuts required to remove incoherent mumbling?