Woman forced to carry fetus with no skull to term

The law was recently enacted.

What other medical interventions do people have to cross state lines to get performed?

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Lots of people travel across state lines for surgeries, treatments and care. There are clinics, famous for some procedures in Ohio and Minnesota to name a few.

People travel from other countries to those places.

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I didn’t ask you for a relative assessment.

I was very specific. Was it good or bad that this particular condition was not granted an exemption?

Granting an exemption for this condition would still fulfill your other criteria of what makes the law “good”.

So…deflection noted. Would you like to try again.

Speaking of being honest…try some honesty, please.

They aren’t forced to travel though.

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They don’t bring The Mayo Clinic to people.

Au contraire mon frere.

You asked my opinion of the law.

It’s better than other laws.

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The best way to get a bad law changed is to enforce it strictly.


No one is forced to travel to get treatment at the Mayo Clinic.

This is forcing a woman to cross state lines to obtain a medical intervention that no one is arguing is unnecessary.

Bad and state Republicans who pass such laws days in office are numbered.


Nope…read again

Be honest.

What is your personal opinion of a law that doesn’t have this condition listed as an exemption?

Is it good or bad?

Would you care to try again?

Or are you going to keep flooding the zone?

In Louisiana?

I won’t be holding my breath.

But thank you for your honest answer.

That’s going to be the legislative trajectory in a lot of these total-ban states.

And once that happens, who knows what other things the pro-aborts will hyperventilate over… :man_shrugging:


It’s hard to pay attention to an article when it starts with a lie. Obviously, she would not carry a non viable fetus instead of going out of state.
As to the rest, if the law or regulations are inadequate in that they didn’t consider all conditions, they would need to be amended.

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For every story like this there are 100,000 others where the woman says; “OMG I’m knocked up. Quick kill it so I can go to the party next weekend.”

Fix the problems like this one and let the rest of the babies live.

They were warned of this…by doctors…before the law was passed.

Why didn’t they listen?

As for the rest, so you are of the “well to make an omelette, ya gotta break some eggs” school?

“Sorry some of you women will have to suffer before we get this right…but we had to rush this law through, you see”.

Maybe start thinking of real world consequences by…you know…consulting with actual DOCTORS who do this kind of thing for a living?…before you rush a consequential bill like this through?


Yep. Just about everyone is wholeheartedly in favor of (actual) medical and rape exceptions, the same as just about everyone is pro-life by default. It’s the radical nutcase minority that isn’t.

Let them hang themselves so we can get some actual representation.

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The radical nutcases were the ones who got voted in…and they get voted in because the other side is “the enemy”…and so because one can’t vote for “the enemy”, one needs must vote for “the radical”.

Why ideology sucks…


Even if this were true…

Why is it any of your business?

Murder of innocent babies is everyone’s business.


Yup. And it’ll happen.

I’ll repeat:

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