But not only is trump smarter than you. His closest allies and advisors are smarter than you. And to top it all off, his supporters are smarter than you as well.
Did I mention that trump and his allies, advisors and supporters are also smarter than your leaders and their allies and advisors?? They are.
Your party is stale, stagnant, boring, unimaginative, absurd, hysterical and tiresome. They became so predictable and entrenched in the idea that they were superior to anyone who opposed them that they lost all perspective, and that opened the door for a costly lesson. Liberal politicians and their supporters have been fully exposed for the inept, phony, insufferable, unapologetic, psychotic and dangerous people they truly are.
Trump had a meeting with John Fetterman in Mar a Lago and said Fetterman was neither liberal or conservative just a common sense person. Haha, this will get real interesting if Trump starts marrying right with left populism.
“Everyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future and either is really, really dumb or has some other motive,” President Joe Biden said July 2,
Oh. I thought Dems said it was a cult for the same reason they like to say someone who goes to Mar a Lago goes to “kiss the ring”. Because they are aping what they see on MSNBC.
No…for saying he is smarter than everyone…or is it just Democrats and liberals?
Does this sound like a smart person?
January 7, 2025" “These people are crazy. There’s something wrong with them. There’s something wrong with them. They also want to go back, and they have already started that, to when you buy a faucet, no water comes out because they want to preserve. Even in areas that have so much water you don’t know what to do. It’s called rain, comes down from heaven and they want to do – no water comes out of the shower. It goes drip, drip, drip. So, what happens, you’re in the shower 10 times as long. No water comes out of the faucet. You want to wash your hands; they want to go back to even stronger than what they have right now… The blades, they take three ships to ship them. It’s crazy. They’re dangerous. You see what’s happening up in the Massachusetts area with the whales, where they had two whales wash ashore in, I think, a 17-year period, and now they had 14 this season. The windmills are driving the whales crazy, obviously.”.
Some people are smarter for some things, or certain reasons regarding particular matters.
I didn’t say trump was “smarter than everyone”.
But on the whole, he has completely unmasked, exposed, dissected and made small all of the people who attempted to do the same to him. He came out on top.