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Russia, Russia, Russia


Putin knows a frail cackling moron when we all see one. :man_shrugging:


She’ll be a pushover as president, and the world knows it.


Noone is buying this nonsense. Putin wants Trump elected. He’s pretty much said he will stop supporting Ukraine.


once again, you guys believe putin…

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No. We just believe Harris will project weakness on the global stage once she’s elected.


but you believe him the he says he’s backing Harris.

LOL of course he backs Harris. That’s a no brainer.


He backs chaos, as does China.


The Biden Harris administration only gives Ukraine just enough to loose slowly, rather than quickly. They continue to put strings on the weapons system usage and targets in a hot war. Why wouldn’t Putin want that to continue?


No…we believe Harris.


I don’t care who Russia supports. I make my decision based on whom I support, not on whom Putin supports.
I am not going to guess what level chess he is playing because I don’t care.

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Because with Trump the aid would stop. Putin knows this.

And restrictions on how the weapons are used would also end, and Putin also knows that.

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Restrictions would end on weapons we’ll stop letting Ukraine have? Yes that’s correct.

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Putin negotiating with Harris over Ukraine would have an outcome the same as giving whiskey and car keys to teenagers.

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Putin negotiating with Harris would be like drunk teenager stopped after hitting the neighbors car so they don’t hit any more cars. Current policy. Trump negotiating with Putin would be drunk teenager hitting everyone’s car and parent letting them do it because they used to mow their lawns.

Putin would want a weak president like Harris of course not a strong one.

Everybody including you knows that.

The 64,000 dollar question is why on earth libs support her???

No, he wants a weak president like Trump that will not stand up to Putin and wants to pull out of NATO. An organization he still doesn’t understand. He keeps saying they owe us money. That’s not how it works. He keeps saying stupid things. Like Well Crimea is part of Russia cause they speak Russian. The idea that Trump was strong against Russia ranks up there with the election was stolen belief.

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no he hasn’t