Will there be a Biden impeachment or are we being conned?

No there will be no Biden impeachment. It is nice that FOX is pointing out Biden corruption, though. And the left loves govt corruption, so…

Comer: Are you going to work with me to have Joe Biden comes and answers these discrepancies? I mean this is a big deal.

Raskin: There’s no discrepancies. There’s no evidence at all that he’s committed any high crime or misdemeanor. What is it?

Comer: In closing I want to thank our panel for their important and insightful testimony…

I"m gonna go with door number 2: being conned.

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If that is the case, this country is done and over with.

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Our federal government has run amok. Our borders are open. Our laws aren’t enforced equally to all. Corruption is overlooked and our institutions have been weaponized to take down political opponents. I am glad that I’m at the stage of life where I can ride off into the sunset at anytime and simply enjoy the fruits of my labors. Our government and this country are going off of a cliff and there’s little now I can do about it.

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people said that when Obama won in 2008 and 2016… and that time it was supposed to be for really super realszy reals.


I guarantee if Biden wins, your life will be the same come 2028 and the USA is still the USA.

We get these declarations every election going back to when Bush was running for re-election. Whether is left or right that wins, the country is strong enough to survive any president.

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So now the narrative is they have the evidence but there is no need for it? I cannot keep up with the moving goalposts.

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What in the heck are you carrying on about?

And to be fair the left said another 4 years of Bush would be the end of freedom in America.

they did. I can also remember Clintons two terms. Same silly rhetoric.

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Its the same every 4 years, the most critical and important election EVER.

Your “super realzy” made me laugh because its spot on.


pelosi hands

Obama has ideals. Biden isn’t fit to tie his own shoes much less be President.

I can appreciate you living with the glass half full in your life.

However, just the stance he has on immigration alone is not good for this country. Do you want that doubled down on? Because that is the message that will be sent if he wins again.

The man is clearly mentally unfit to be President.

I cannot even begin to fathom why anyone would support a man that should be in a nursing home.

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Currently, voters are supporting 2 of these.


He is corrupt !!! But we won’t impeach him over it


What stage of grief are we upto?

Oh yeah bargaining

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Or… they can’t say what the crime is.

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remember, these are the same people who claimed Trump wasn’t putting crooked Hillary in jail after all the campaigning rhetoric because it would be too hard on the country.

I think it is critical to ensure this imbecile doesn’t have another term. But I also think it’s important to make it blatantly clear as to why he was tossed aside. An electoral loss will make it clear he was an abject failure in most part due to his ridiculously moronic policies. Removal through impeachment, if even there were a miraculous turn of political events to make that possible, would obfuscate his policy failures.

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Rep. Moskowitz made a motion to impeach in the committee hearing yesterday. Neither Comer nor Jordan seconded the motion.

This is all Kabuki. You are being conned. Willfully.

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