Will the MAGA movement without President Trump in power continue to prosper?


I guess defending the President isn’t the woke thing to do right now…

But if you look back over 4 years there were multiple policy successes…completely overlooked, trashed and flat lied about by the same leftists who are now using words like “scummy” to describe Trump.

Here’s the big lie…”if Trump wasn’t such an orange meany with a Twitter account we wouldn’t have had such a problem with him.” That’s horse crap. They would have trashed Ted Cruz or Scott Walker or Jeb Bush just as badly. They did trash Romney and he’s as milk toast establishment as they come. He didn’t get hammered as badly because he lost…but he gave a great concession speech! That’s what those people think Republicans and conservatives are supposed to do.

Whoever steps up to try to take the MAGA reins will be targeted by the left for decimation. It will be a little tougher if it’s a black guy like Tim Scott or a woman, the Governor of South Dakota…but they’ll find a way.


Correct. It’s the dream of the leftist globalists to get rid of MAGA, it’s not going away just because they hope it will & censor it.

Any movement that is censored like this only grows, as it steels the resolve of those offended.

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Perfect answer! Great post!


Thanks…and back at ya!

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“America First”? Wow. Just came right on out with it.

So…you have a problem with an AMERICAN PRESIDENT putting the American people first? Mmmmmmmk…


Do they even realize how ridiculous they sound?

Yes America First. We live in the United States we have a right to expect our leaders to place a high priority on the freedoms guaranteed by our unique Constitution…

I don’t think that’s that hard!


Both incredible and disgusting at the same time! :frowning_face: Can’t imagine an American condemning putting America 1st.


MAGA is going to kill MAGA one poop smear on the Capitol walls at the time.

I’ll say that Trump was NOT the beginning.

Trump was just the first politician with the guts and tenacity to fight for things that people have wanted for a long time. TEA Party was a rising that got squashed. Trump took it to a new level.

At some point the corrupt establishment will become apparent even to the woke, and eventually they will be truly awakened.

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It needs a leader who will not fold in the face of withering media and establishment attack. Likely that takes some charisma, among other thing.


hopefully it becomes more of a “restore america” movement vs just making it great again

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This needs repeating.

It’s more than the trashing of Trump though.

Anyone who espouses policies and initiatives that Trump did will be trashed as Trump V2.0.

which is shifting power away from govt back to people, and dc keeping promises.

that will not be allowed and dc will stop at nothing to to prevent it even if it means hijacking an election

They already went that route.

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Meanwhile today the House of Representatives under the leadership of the poster child for term limits is running a kangaroo court today once again abusing the idea of impeachment less than a week before the president leaves office. It’s not enough to defeat the man he must be destroyed…

Boy that’ll really unify the country huh.

Scary times…

Y’all have a nice day.


It used to be apparent to them. Then they all got iPhones and hopped right in the sack.

Another MAGA leader, who is that Josh Hawley? Lol

MAGA is a rudderless ship right now.

And will be for the foreseeable future after last weeks stunt.


As Liz Cheney (that RINO) stated trump committed impeachable offenses against the country.

Not scary times…

Good times with Biden taking office.
