Will The Left Riot If Kyle Rittenhouse Is Found Not Guilty?

My comment is about your anger, not your race. (At least you didn’t switch the focus to misogyny.) And in that regard, it not just one post, it’s virtually all of them. They ooze anger.

No you haven’t. The founders of BLM gave fomented violence. If you support them, you support the violence they created.


What purpose could there possibly be to “stalk the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse” murder trial except an evil one? Was it to expose who they were or where they lived? Was it to threaten them if they do not give the verdict they wanted? Was it to lead others to their place of residence to potentially riot and burn their homes to the ground? What could possibly be the purpose and should they be charged with a crime?



The free stuff people are always pleased with new freebies at the expense of others.

Have a nephew whose insurance got cancelled by employer(used Obamacare as an excuse) when Obamacare came out and his insurance went from 350 a month to 1300 a month on Obamacare.

Ask him how pleased he is with Obamacare.

Some of his money is helping subsidize the never do wells who sit around with their hands held out no doubt.

There are many many in this situation.

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Right after the dems installed the sock puppet they started censoring BLM too. So, BLM could not organize like during Trump.

How were the riots? Did I miss much?

Oh girl PLEASE!
YOU said “angry black woman”… blah, blah, blah…

You may have since edited…but you KNOW what you posted.

Now…go runteldat.

There is no edit of the post you are complaining about.

Such drama.

I knew it. Biden was President in 2020. This will be fact. It’s been seeping in.

How were the riots?


Unfortunately…the absolute hate has manifested itself in ways even worse than riots. The evil exceeded what my naive, conservative ass even thought was possible.

You are sure? It’s possible. I think it def is. But are you sure?

The only thing I’m sure of is…you’re invited for a smooth rye at my place at 5:00 :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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It took you two weeks to come up with that? Pathetic. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Assault board.