Will the GOP's push for anti-abortion laws hurt Trump's chances in 2020?

The trade deal that doesnt exist?

I’ve got three teenagers and a vasectomy. I’m not justifying anything for myself here.

As I said.

You don’t recognize the right for a woman to control her own body.

Well I agree with you that if she has an elephant in there GET IT THE HELL OUT.

Pretty lame.

Seems appropriate for lame pro-abortion arguments.

I think these laws will have a bigger effect on state elections more than Trump himself.

When one is forced to ignore that a woman has the right to her own body then the answer to the problem becomes much much easier.

Bad thing is, I can’t ignore that a woman has the right to her own body.

The majority of people can’t.

That is why there is compromise not absolutes.


But not in the 3rd trimester?

Trump still hasn’t even got his new NAFTA deal signed.

Won’t hurt Trump a bit. You are assuming this is a one issue election. Trump will not lose his base at all, he will pick up the undecideds who are against abortion. The other undecideds will have to choose between the possibility of abortion being limited or outlawed compared to the stupid crap like socialism or the green new deal being put forth by whatever idiot gets the Democrat nomination. No contest, this is a winning issue for the GOP and the party of death brought it about because of their limitless genocide against the unborn…