Will the 2023 Republican controlled House follow our Constitution and extinguish annual deficits?

Undoubtedly, there would be a merry-go-round of suits and countersuits: countries claiming redress from the causal agents of the pandemic. If the US government approved the funding of gain of function reseatch in Wuhan, they should have to pay compensation, or the agents who did so without legitimate authorisation should be internationally tried and punished for mass murder. Ultimately, the rich elite will be the ones losing the properties and corporate equity. They can start again and work their way back to prosperity while their confiscated wealth cancels out government debt.

Thank you for posting your proposed Balanced Budget Amendment.

Are you saying your proposal is “much better” than the FAIR SHARE BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT? If so, why?

In defense of the FSBBA, check out some of its significant features which make it quite attractive for a freedom loving people.

The FSBBA would end every federal tax calculated from legally realized sales, gains, profits, income, inheritances, wages, etc., and thus puts an end to the oppressive miseries inflicted upon American citizens and its businesses, which includes the IRS and income taxation being used as a weapon against political adversaries

The FSBBA also provides a specific and constitutional friendly method to extinguish an annual deficit should Congress spend more than is brought in from imposts, duties and excise taxes during the course of a fiscal year.

The FSBBA also requires each State’s Congressional Delegation to return to their home State with a bill in hand which lists its States’ apportioned share to extinguish the deficit created, and the share to be paid by each State is in harmony with our founding principle of, representation in Congress Assembled with a proportional financial obligation, whenever a direct tax is laid by Congress.

The FSBBA also puts an end to unequal direct taxation of the people, if and when Congress decides to tax the people directly. If the people in New York are each required to pay $1 in extinguishing an annual deficit, so too are the people in Vermont each required under the rule of apportionment to pay $1.

The FSBBA also allows for each State to raise its fair share to extinguish a deficit in its own chosen way which embraces the Tenth Amendment.

I could add a few more advantages such as the FSBBA, unlike other proposals, creates a very real moment of accountability for each member of Congress by requiring them to return home with a bill in hand when they create a deficit while in Washington, and as such, will have to justify their spending to their own constituents who will have to pay the tab, but I think the above are sufficient reasons to consider supporting the FSBBA.


When Federal Reserve Notes were made a legal tender in violation of our Constitution, and a direct un-apportioned tax was imposed upon the people without their consent, America’s free enterprise, free market system was subjugated, and the tools of oppression were made available to some very immoral and nefariously evil people.

Old man wants you to forget American recovery act, 787 billion that was added in 09. You know shovel ready jobs. :wink:

Real funny. And the people keep electing and re-electing those who plunder their federal treasury!


80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama’s corporate donors!

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Did you miss MY ANSWER to your post and your proposed Balanced Budget Amendment?

The swamp-creature party in the Senate [headed by Schumer and McConnell] have already given their finger to end reckless spending and borrowing.

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Of course they did. How could you expect anything different?

I wonder if the 118th House of Representatives will re-introduce the phony 2022 Balanced Budget Amendment which would make it constitutional for Congress to not extinguish a previous year’s deficit.

and in the first vote for the gop house they voted to increase the deficit by over 100B

Are you talking about the legislation blocking the Biden administration from hiring 87,000 new IRS agents?

Well, moonshine?

the legislation that will cost 100B according to the cbo

Nobody here has advocated more for a third party than myself but the reality is that it may never happen and even if it does it won’t happen anytime soon.

And it won’t succeed if it does, unless we fundamentally rework our system from 50+1 to plurality.

And I’ll ask the same question as always. If a state can’t or won’t come up with the billed amount, then what happens? Unless your view has changed, then the feds come in, confiscate property of citizens to settle the debit. NO THANKS.

You say NO THANKS, but that is what we now have. You don’t pay taxes due, and the feds come after you. But the good news is, under the FSBBA your feelings are all the more reason why your State Legislature would keep a very close eye on the spending habits of your state’s Congressional Delegation in order to avoid the apportioned tax having to be laid.


Well Snow96

I answered your question. So tell me, what happens now when someone refuses to pay taxes owed to the IRS?

The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment creates a very real moment of accountability and I believe it will help to make Congress act fiscally responsible while spending and borrowing. Would it not?

deficit spending is down under biden, there is just no mincing that fact.


misinformation. that boosting the staff by 87,000 employees not agents.



Your post has nothing to do with the distinction between deficit vs national debt and was in question.

Aside from that and getting back to the subject of the thread:

Will the 2023 Republican controlled House follow our Constitution and extinguish annual deficits?

And when considering the phony balanced budget amendment offered by Lauren Boebert___ a House Republican Freedom Caucus member, and Republicans offering the Fair Tax, H.R. 25 as tax reform ___ which would establish an entirely new tax, keeps Congress’ power to lay and collect taxes calculated from incomes alive, requires taxpayers to file Fair Tax returns twelve times a year, requires ordinary working people to register with government in order to sell the property each has in their own labor, requires taxpayers to keep whatever records Congress may dream up, and creates a new entitlement that would become another issue used during election time to buy votes ___ one would have to think the Republican leadership, just like the Democrat leadership, are full of ■■■■ and have no intention to return to our nation’s founding fundamental principles which actually encouraged Congress to follow sound fiscal policy and promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


When Federal Reserve Notes were made a legal tender in violation of our Constitution, and a direct un-apportioned tax was imposed upon the people without their consent, America’s free enterprise, free market system was subjugated, and the tools of oppression were made available to some very immoral and nefariously evil people.