Will taxing the rich really be able to fund everything Democrats promise?

Business owners, investors and other risk taking “rich” folks that employ wage earners will be victims of extortion by the liberal-socialists in the form of “taxes” to fund those giveaways.
As a retired Medicare recipient, ( yes I paid into it for about 45 years), will this “Medicare for all” malarkey also include 100% coverage for doctors (Part B)? Under Medicare I’m responsible for 20% of that bill. What about dental, prescription drugs, vision and hearing? Medicare doesn’t cover those, I have to purchase separate plans to cover those costs. Do these sugar Daddy social medicine devotees have a plan to cover those expenses? Haven’t really heard that discussion. Hmm, this is sounding sort of costly, so the expection is that wages will increase because employers won’t be paying for the provided medical health care benefits? I think the employers will be getting themselves taxed to a point wages will go stagnant or perhaps the employer simply lays off or closes!
Should be interesting.

From my recollection the estimates on how much all this will cost are always wrong. Until such programs are implemented and put into practice nobody knows how things will actually play out. There are always unintended consequences nobody foresees.

“We have to pass it to see what’s in it”?
That worked out just swell!

Yup, investing in business, taking risks and promoting innovation creating jobs is always taking advantage of workers.

Thats not what I said. I said businesses make money off profiting off the labor of others. Its microeconomics 101. Unless of course youre a 1 man shop. Prove me wrong

Can’t. Labor is an overhead expense in any legit business. Of course labor creates a profit margin for a business. When the labor costs exceed profit margins people get laid off or businesses close.
Not microeconomics, just common sense.
Hey, are we both saying the same thing?

We can’t even get a “businessman” to take control and wipe out our debt.

Interesting the Kenyan socialist was doing a much better job with our deficit.

Basically, I’m saying businesses are profitable by hiring people to perform labor at a cost of less than their productive output. Its done either directly or indirectly…Is that what you are also saying?

Of course it depends on the industry.

True. I feel as though we have mutually agreed on a collective bargaining agreement that benefits all parties!

Sorry wrong.


Nope still wrong.

Why limit it to only public institutions? What’s the reason behind that?

Because public institutions serve the public. Private institutions serve private interests. If private institutions want to be primarily funded through public monies, they can forego their private status.

These things would destroy our economy in a short time. First, costs on everything that’s “free” begin to climb because companies and institutions realize that if the government is paying for it, the money is infinite. Second, more government programs means more government bureaucrats running them. This means more money to pay them, more disagreement on how programs should be run, problems caused by trying to implement a one size fits all plan, massive loss due to inefficiency and corruption.
Third, instant shortage and waste caused by millions more people using services they otherwise wouldn’t because it’s “free.” No, the rich don’t have enough money to cover the damage caused by implementing a socialist Utopia. We will all share the misery.

Honestly the thing that worries me is that companies wouldn’t pass on the savings from not paying employees insurance to the employees. A Medicare for all would have to mandate that employees realize some of the savings the companies have.

NO of course it wont. Before the socialist Democrats have a chance to confiscate all the personal and business wealth or they get the chance to get rid of airplanes the jet set rich will have “fly tailed” OUT of the country taking their wealth with them, BIG business will be OUT in a flash and set up business elsewhere. There will be no one to pay for all the utopia freebie promises, it will turn into the nightmare that is Venezuela!

Is cutting taxes going to pay for the trillion+ deficit.

Anyone who would abandon America is a traitor.

Nor will raising taxes. The most recent lowest point of the deficit was in 2015 and was 438 billion dollars but then went back on an upward trajectory after that. The new tax law was passes at the end of 2017. So 2018 would be the only full year to assess it’s impact. The difference between 2017 and 2018 was 114 billion dollars. To reduce the deficit it is going to take a combination increased taxes along with cuts to spending to attain that goal.