Will Mitch follow his own standards?

The popular vote doesn’t elect the President, so it is irrelevant.

Someone famously declared when confronted about something he should not have done…
“Elections have consequences”.
That someone was Barak Hussein.


Shocking, here let me translate it for you. “We are Republicans, we are opposed to liberal justices, we will not allow them to be seated if we have the ability to block them”. You can pretend Democrats have a different playbook of you want. But they don’t. No conservative justice would get seated if they had the power to block them.


I agree wholeheartedly…I just remember how Hillary celebrated her popular vote win.
Are you saying she was wrong? If you do I agree with you.
Who says we can’t have things in common.

I’ve been very vocal in this forum about how irrelevant the popular vote is.

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They know that they just like to change horses in the middle of a run if it suits them.

We have this little thing called history. Not matter what story you make up about what Dems would and wouldn’t do… the fact is that Mitch made a bold statement and move in 2016 by not following his constitutional duty. Garland didn’t even get a vote.

It’s an election year and 45 days before an election (Garland was 10 months).

It’s pure hypocrisy for Mitch to proceed with a vote now, based on what he did 4 years ago.

Point to one thing he laid out that is unconstitutional.

president biden packing the court would also be legal

It shouldn’t be. 1 person/1 vote. Let everyone be heard.

Kudos my dear…Hillary knows it too, I believe, she was just grabbing at straws.

Most, if not all, recent court cases of voter fraud have been Republicans.

It’s not Dems you need to worry about

Too bad he needs sixty senators to pull it off eh? Might also want to check out the historical consequences democrats suffered the last time they started down that road. FDR couldn’t pull it off and you think Biden could? Lol

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No thanks, that is direct democracy, otherwise known and two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.

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Of course Trump is going to want this fight.

He lives for chaos.

Easier translation - Republicans are complete hypocrites as are those who support doing a 180 on what they said when Scalia died.

But this is the party of Trump, the party and its supporters are willing to turn their back on their long touted ideals.

It was the Republicans that set this standard in 2015z

Not a lot anyone can do about it but I do like to see cons crapping all over their own standards.

You and many other DEMs, still fail to realize that the circumstances are very different. In 2016, Obama was a lame duck democratic President with a GOP controlled house. Of course, there wouldn’t be a confirmation vote. DEMs would have done exactly the same thing were the roles reversed.

In 2020, Trump is not a lame duck President and the WH and Senate are both controlled by Republicans. Of course there will be a confirmation vote. DEMs would do exactly the same thing if the roles were reversed.

So please come down off your high horse.


So republicans used this excuse to block a liberal court pick and now they want to change the standard they set because it benefits them. It’s straight up hipocracy. The amercan people will see it and vote accordingly.

Oh please, nobody is this naive. Democrats in the same situation would have done the same thing and anyone who isn’t a rabid partisan Democrat knows it.

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There is no standard. Politicians will always do what is best for them. The real hypocrisy resides with those who pretend their side is somehow above the political fray.