Will Cohen flip?

Please,1. What crimes do you believe Cohen committed?
2. What crimes do you believe Trump committed in relation to Cohen that Cohen could flip about?

If you can’t answer those two simple questions, the whole thread is a joke.

He is being investigated by Federal Prosecutors in NY, not State Prosecutors. So he is still well within Trump’s pardon purview. FYI. :wink:

Yeah. My mistake on that.

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No mistakes allowed Lou. No soup for you!


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It was probably my favorite soup today. Cream of crow. :wink:

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I genuinely laughed at that. It was short, subtle, and hilarious. Well played my dear sir. Well played in deed. :clap:

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people paid Cohen for access to Trump.
people paid Bill for access to Hillary.

same thing.

It will be the same thing if Trump benefits with ownership of half the money, the way Hillary benefited from payments to Bill. That may be shown to have happened, it hasn’t been shown as of now.

Poor deluded lefty… Big Foot, Loch ness monster, the Oak island treasure, and Russian collusion…

or uranium one for that matter.

pretty much.

And of course, there is always a Trump tweet for everything!


I looked for the respect iron to flag this post, but didn’t see one. :slight_smile:

Good show acknowledging the correction and taking responsibility.



*** icon ***.

A respect iron is much more powerful to wield than a lowly respect icon. :wink:


I want my edit button back.


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Hear, Hear!