Will a Biden/Harris win destroy Medicare for our Senior Citizens?

Assumptions upon assumptions upon assumptions and regardless of what we say you’ll keep posting them over and over again as if no one pointed out all the ways your logic is flimsy.

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51 and 52% huh?


For those who have not yet voted, keep in mind that if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would certainly become the law of the land. In addition, the filibuster would be ended, the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists imposing their personal views of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “law of the land” , and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is my evidence:

“Everything Is On The Table”


“The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice.” – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

You assume the House and Senate would still push for this despite Biden not being in favor of it.
You assume the House and Senate would be able to get this passed despite failing to even get the public option passed during Obama’s term.

I said nothing about Trump! What I pointed out was a poll shows 59% Think Biden Unlikely to Finish A Four-Year Term in White House. If they are correct, based on Biden repeatedly showing signs of dementia and fatigue, then it would be wise to judge what a Kamala Harris socialist Administration would bring.

In addition to the socialist Medicare for All Act of 2019 which Harris co-sponsored which would bankrupt and destroy our Senior Citizens’ Medicare program which they paid into all their lives, Kamala is further to the left than Bernie Sanders . . . meaning she is an outright communist for all intents and purposes. See: Kamala Harris More Liberal Than Bernie Sanders, Senate Record Analysis Shows


“Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s pick for his vice presidential running mate, Democratic California Senator Kamala Harris, was ranked as being more liberal than Democratic Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the congressperson often considered the furthest left within the Democratic caucus.”


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

He has shown zero signs of demitia nor any medical issues (unlike current president who has been hospitalized with a illness that is deadly)

Your premise is wrong. Biden, not Harris, is on top of the ticket

if your argument is that we should only look at Harris because some poll that you have not published says 59% of Americans think he won’t serve his term (which I’m starting to think is not a real poll) then by default, you would also be saying since a majority don’t think Trump is capable of being President the election is really between Harris and Pence.

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Omg. A politician used a teleprompter?!! Thats crazy!! Clearly the first time that happened! I’m sure Trump has NEVER used one nor has he ever flubbed actually reading from one?

Jesus man, how desperate have you come. Can’t win on ideas or facts anymore so down to lies, scare tactics, and gaffes?
Just sad really.

Using a teleprompter to give a speech and using it so someone can provide an answer to a voter’s question are two entirely different things!

Biden is displaying a decline in cognitive skills, including memory and reasoning skills, which are the classic signs of Alzheimers setting in.


I can only assume you don’t follow Trump’s Twitter…

Please. While not only in none of that True with Biden, Biden has never been a great speaker.
But compared to Trump , he ■■■■■■■ MLK and Thomas Jefferson.



Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK