Wilbur Ross, Trump's millionaire Commerce Secretary, says he doesn't understandk

I’ve always been amused by the fact that payday loan places charge the equivalent of four points a month on a loan and a knockdown loan from a shark will only cost you three points a month and it’s only due once a month and only the interest is due.

I do believe Ross is the Sec. of Commerce.

You are right.

I stand corrected.

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Don’t you think our national security is at risk NOW? trump is crying about his ■■■■■■■ wall (which he promised Mexico would pay), but where was the urgency before the Nov election?

To hell with a ■■■■■■■ wall.

When I watched the tape, I’m thinking, “someone should pull the plug on his life-support system.”

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It takes 2 reasonable people. Only Pelosi is reasonable. Trump is a whining child who wants everything or else he will take the ball and go home.

What’s the rate on a pay check loan? Like 400% APR?

No idea but its a horrific rate. The point I was making is that interest aside, when I had my own financial apocalypse it was cheaper to get a payday loan than incur all the bank charges. I was making the point that banks are just as predatory as pay day loan companies.

For sure.

It’s almost like political Stockholm syndrome. Trump is constantly screwing them over, yet the cheer him on.

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