Why would asking for an investigation of a political opponent, who has been accused in news reports of potentially corrupt actions, be an abuse of power?

No…there was evidence Trump was interested in made up stories that his supporters lap up.

I hate to upend such stoic certainty…However…

As to the report’s second contention–that the Guccifer 2.0 documents were tainted to cast curious eyes toward Russia–Folden notes that a simple peeling away of the documents’ top layer of metadata shows the sloppy and intentional misattribution.

The report is lengthy and doesn’t stop there. Lawrence notes multiple additional problems with the now-broken narrative: CrowdStrike is essentially an arm of the DNC itself; Dmitri Alperovitch , CrowdStrike’s co-founder and chief technology officer is consumed by Russophobia; the FBI has never once examined the DNC’s servers by themselves; that famous Intelligence Community Assessment breathlessly reported as the cumulative work of 17 national security agencies was actually the work of three “hand-picked” analysts.

I am not so certain Russia could just hack away on behalf of a candidate nobody can explain why they would prefer…and then have NSA so expertly find their e tracks that we know exactly who, what , and where the hack was from.

The first part points to gross server security ineptness by the DNC and expert hacking by alleged Russia and then the tables turn completely with Russia hackers becoming suddenly inept as the NSA tracks everything without the server on real time.


Once again stories that have been debated ad nauseum on these boards and completely debunked elsewhere are brought out after a long slumber, as if no one will remember that these stories have been debated ad nauseum and completely debunked.

Does that tactic really work with some people?

PS It is completely understandable why Putin would favor Trump…or at the very least wish to damage Hillary Clinton.

And it actually goes beyond favoring one candidate over another…it goes to sowing discord, distrust and confusion…again an easily explainable motive

That VIPS report has been thoroughly disputed and debunked by even the majority of VIPS members.

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Kind of like “the deficit was cut because of the Sequester” talking point I debunked? Care to admit defeat on that one? This is twice now you’ve ghosted that point.

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Ukrainian Corruption = Burisma and Burisma = Bidens.

But it has BOMBSHELL written there…can’t you see?

That means it’s never been even talked about before!


His signature was not needed and they are not “protocols”, they are obligations under federal law. The aid was not released in time to meet the legal obligations, hence rushing to extend the aid in September in the continuing resolution.

You should look more into that VIPS report before touting it.


It was the word metadata that sold him… Sounds so, technical… lol… This “report” was debunked within days by those that know anything about real hacking strategies…

When an article starts with this disclaimer, be very,very suspect…

Subsequently, Nation editors themselves raised questions about the editorial process that preceded the publication of the article. The article was indeed fact-checked to ensure that Patrick Lawrence, a regular Nation contributor, accurately reported the VIPS analysis and conclusions, which he did. As part of the editing process, however, we should have made certain that several of the article’s conclusions were presented as possibilities, not as certainties. And given the technical complexity of the material, we would have benefited from bringing on an independent expert to conduct a rigorous review of the VIPS technical claims.

We have obtained such a review in the last week from Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project. He has evaluated both the VIPS memo and Lawrence’s article. Freitas lays out several scenarios in which the DNC could have been hacked from the outside, although he does not rule out a leak. Freitas concludes that all parties “must exercise much greater care in separating out statements backed by available digital metadata from thoughtful insights and educated guesses.” His findings are published here.

We have also learned since publication, from longtime VIPS member Thomas Drake, that there is a dispute among VIPS members themselves about the July 24 memo. This is not the first time a VIPS report has been internally disputed, but it is the first time one has been released over the substantive objections of several VIPS members. With that in mind, we asked Drake and those VIPS members who agree with him to present their dissenting view. We also asked VIPS members who stand by their report to respond.

In presenting this follow-up, The Nation hopes to encourage further inquiry into the crucial questions of how, why, and by whom the DNC e-mails were made public—a matter that continues to roil our politics. We especially hope that other people with special expertise or knowledge will come forward.

As President of the USA interested in reducing corruption in another country what has his personal lawyer got to do with it?

Yeah nobody can explain why Russia preferred the Russian financed businessman over the candidate who publicly questioned the legitimacy of Russian elections. It’s a real mystery

Russia sure has not enjoyed any windfall.

Ukraine has more lethal weapons and the US has shrunk the Russia energy export market.

Maybe Joe was using Hunter as a Russian Informant?

Who do you think Russia likes in 2020?

Gotta be Bernie…

We still have a lot of questions to be answered.


The point is that there are more theories than conclusions.

I don’t think this theory is good one either.

They do make a good point on the physical server and the dichotomy of the hacker brilliance in getting in and the ineptitude with getting tracked.


Trump’s foreign policy says differently.

The only other theory originated from the people our Intelligence services say are responsible. Also when “theories” like this are debunked that removes it as a possible conclusion

You think Russia likes the US exporting so much oil and gas?

You think Russia likes the trade deals with seemingly every other nation, but them?

Even Syria appears to be working more to the Turks and less to Russia.

Elizabeth Warren is too busy playing voter game shows to matter.


Ineptitude you say…

I think Russia likes that Trump policy on Syria and Ukraine is friendly to Russian interests

I think Russia likes that Trump takes their IRA generated propaganda and ramps it up to 11

I think that Russia likes that Trump has weakened our Intelligence apparatus and stirred up public distrust in them to the point that some will believe Russian propaganda over official intelligence assessments

I think Russia likes that Trump creates unprecedented division and public distrust of the media which reports on Russian transgressions

I think Russia likes when Trump creates dissention among our allies and talks about leaving NATO

I think Russia likes that Trump offers to help fight Siberian forest fires while threatening to cut off aid for California to fight fires

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TRUMP has weakened intelligence?

Talk about blaming the victim…
