Why Trump is Still Leading In the Polls?

What Russia thingy? She said she defected and thanked a convicted Russian spy for her help :joy:
It’s an actual quote by her in context.

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Off the topic …

But the money can’t be unspent…the illegals are never going back where they came from…the dead people can’t be revived…the new influence created by and for the Chinese isn’t going to be removed thanks to the stooge Biden…

Saying that this can all be undone is simply a ridiculous comment.

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Whichever Republican defends Trump the hardest gets to be VP. Tough to see him lose support right now.

The thing that kills me is that if these folks are going to be president, they’re going to have to beat…Trump.

Now is the time to take him down, and yet the toe licking continues.

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The best laid plans…


You really need to quit regurgibleating all that Russian propaganda.


Lol tell me more.

The GOP is the Beta Collective. I love the irony of people who claim not to believe in politicians choosing to ascribe Authority and Truth to a guy who most people agreed was a lying sack ■■■■ until he became . . . a politician.


You just make Putin proud every time you do what he wants. And the left has been doing Putins work for him since trump was elected. He could not have planned it any better.


Trump did like his malleable Donald, didn’t he?


Ya I remember that, do you remember how after words the left wing media wrote article after article showing how that those countries who locked up their political opponents where third world dictatorships and that sort of political persecution doesn’t happen here in a first world republic where we are above that. And they went down and listed third world countries one by one who did it, in one article it was called “bad company”.


Criminals are criminals. Running for office doesn’t change that. He’s being charged for his misconduct handling classified material while no longer being president.

There has been a lot of past and current presidents and top officials who they know had classified documents, to name a few Trump, Pence, Biden, Hillary, and Bill Clinton. Obama to his credit seemed to not suffer from this. But only one of these they are literally saying during and election year no less they will lock up.

You really can’t see any hypocrisy from this at all. I watched democrat pundits one by one on MSNBC,CNN and other outlets say they were upset at the time when it was found out that Joe Biden had classified documents because it would be hard to indict Trump when the current president also was under investigation of having classified documents at his properties all the way back from when he was senator.

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:+1: :rofl: :+1: :rofl: :+1: :rofl: :+1: :rofl:

Lied. Hid. Told lawyers to hide. Told aides to hide. Told lawyers to lie. Showed documents to people with zero clearance. Moved documents back and forth to hide them. Joked about having them.

Today’s magadonians care nothing for national security in their Fifth Ave suppuration to a loser who views them as suckers and losers.



Except for those potential trivial process crimes it’s exactly the same.


but look what China is doing.
Before you know it China will accomplish what Khrushchev said.

That’s because, as I just said, Ds are better strategists and they put their puppets in place where it counts BEFORE they play dirty.
[DOJ,FBI, courts, Education etc.].
So then you can’t uncover the shizootsky pile and get to the truth and the proofs.
Ds DON’T attack their own, they have the puppets do their deeds and they win.
Case in point:
Hillarious Clinton never indicted for hiding docs in her bathroom,
Obama never indicted for killing an American citizen etc.
Just couple of examples.

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Wrey is not a Republican…
he is milk toast fake like Cheney and Mittens.
Not better than Comey was.

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Actually the opposite is true.
Wray, Cheney, Romney, in fact all the people MAGAs call RINO’s are the actual Republicans holding on to the traditional party principles and values.
MAGA’s are the RINO’s and rather than having the stones to form their own MAGA party they hijacked an existing one.

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